$100,000! Take me out to the ball game!
By Carolyn Marnon –

The City of Wayne officially broke ground today on the ball fields improvement project at Forest and Waltz. Pictured are Councilman Tom Porter, DPW Assistant Director Ed Queen, Mayor Pro-Tem Anthony Miller, Councilman Chris Sanders, State Representative Robert Kosowski, Mayor Susan Rowe, Councilman John Rhaesa, Ray Lefler from the Wayne Baseball Association and Police Chief Alan Maciag. Photo by Natalie Rhaesa
State Representative Robert Kosowski (D-Westland) presented a $100,000 check to the City of Wayne to help with development of the parks and recreation system. “I am proud that I was able to bring home this money to my district,” Representative Kosowski said. “By working across the aisle in a bi-partisan manner, residents in my district will benefit from having improvements done to our parks and recreation department.”
According to Wayne’s City Manager Lisa Nocerini, “The grant is from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and is a special legislative grant that has been designated specifically for a City of Wayne Sports Complex Project. The City met with the Wayne Baseball Association (WBA) several months back after the grant was received to talk about utilizing the funding at the Forest and Waltz ball parks. The ball parks are bringing in a lot of tournaments but have been left to fall into disarray despite the WBA and City’s best efforts. The specific details of the project are still being worked out and will require a request for proposal to go out so the City can hire an engineering firm who can help us to design it properly. I do know that the fields need new dirt, fencing, dugouts, etc. so that will likely be the focus. A total revamp so to speak.”
“I look forward to seeing the projects as they unfold,” Representative Kosowski said. “One of the greatest things about being a legislator is being able to have a direct impact on your constituents’ lives. Hopefully the residents of Wayne will enjoy these improvements to our recreational areas.” The Wayne Baseball Association organizes youth t-ball, coach’s pitch, and baseball in the Wayne/Westland community.