2015 Wayne election everyone votes for wards

You can vote by going to your precinct on election day between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. If you aren’t able to make it on election day, you can vote by absentee ballot. You must request the absentee ballot before 2 p.m. on October 31. You would then return the absentee ballot to City Hall before November 3.
Susan M. Rowe, Bob Boertje and Lenard Fisher are running for mayor of Wayne. Len Fisher is a write-in candidate, while Susan and Bob’s names will appear on the ballot. There are special procedures to use for a write-in candidate, so please continue reading.
Anthony Miller and Lucietta A. Miles are running for two year at large council person. Their names are both on the ballot.
Wards 1, 2 and 3 will be four year terms for the council people selected. All voters will be voting for one candidate from each ward on the ballot.
Ward 1 has Christopher Sanders, Alfred Brock (write-in) and Allen (Buddy) Shuh (write-in) running. Christopher’s name will appear on the ballot.
Ward 2 has incumbent John P. Rhaesa running unopposed. His name is on the ballot.
Ward 3 has incumbent Lorne (Skip) Monit and Tom Porter running. Both names are on the ballot.
On election day, all versions of the names of write-in candidates will be recorded. However, just because you wrote in your candidate’s name a certain way doesn’t mean it will be counted.
Write-in candidates legal names are:
Mayor: Lenard Fisher
Ward 1: Alfred Brock
Allen Shuh
If you want to vote for any of these candidates, it might be helpful to write down their names and their wards on a card and take it with you when you go to vote.
If you would like to run for an office, there is still time. You have until October 23 at 4 p.m. to file a “Declaration of Intent” to run as a valid write-in candidate.
The results that are reported on election day are “unofficial” until the Board of Canvassers has certified the election. They are supposed to complete the certification by November 17. This could be important in this election where Wayne currently has 3 write-in candidates.
In 2017, Wayne residents will be voting for council people in Wards 4, 5 and 6. If you think you might like to run for office then, you must reside in that ward for one year prior to the election.
If you have any other questions about voting November 3, please contact City Hall.
Precinct 1 and Ward 1
Hoover Elementary School
5400 Fourth Street
3600 Sims Avenue
4035 Gloria