(734) 641-6550

The Health and Wellness Connection

By Courtney Conover – It’s not complicated, but it works. Dr. Muzammil Ahmed’s morning routine starts at 7:00 a.m. and adequately prepares him for the day ahead. “I do a short, ten-minute workout, have a moment of prayer and reflection, and then eat a small, healthy meal...

FAN partners with Wayne Police Department to launch FAN’S COMEBACK Quick Response Team

By Sarah Shurge – “There isn’t another organization out there that does what we do. People need help more than ever and FAN is a way to get people help,” said Laura Mack, Secretary of the Northwest Wayne County Chapter of FAN. Families Against Narcotics (FAN) has the...

WMHS Boys Bowling team wins State Championship

By Sarah Shurge – Congratulations to the Wayne Memorial High School Boys Bowling team on winning the 2023 MHSAA State Championship on Friday, March 3rd. The team consists of Jeremiah Hodge, Elliot Hill, Davin Raisanen, Mark-Vincent Wells, Santray Trottier, Kyle Webster, and...

Community comes together to honor the death of 12-year-old

By Sarah Shurge – It started as what seemed like a normal day. February 14th, Valentine’s Day. A day dedicated to love. No one expected the day to end in the tragic loss of a loved one. Jacob Dawson-Escobedo was right in front of Franklin Middle School, the school he...

How many of these apps do you use?

I openly admit it: I am a reluctant beneficiary of technology. I like the smell, feel, and sound of turning a weathered page of a hardcover book. I prefer writing my lists on the backs of discarded bill envelopes or pieces of scrap paper as opposed to taking advantage of my...

Check out Lanterns Church on Sundays in Taft Galloway

By Sarah Shurge – When you think of church, most of the time you think of a building. A location. A place to go. “A building is a safe place to gather, to worship, to be seen, to be welcomed at, but we understand the real truth, that church is the followers,” said Ryan...

Wayne during WWII

What were Wayne’s contributions to the WWII war efforts? The first contribution would be the human one, over 800 men and 23 women were directly in service to the country. Forty-nine men and one woman from Wayne would lose their life during the course of the war. Twenty-three...

March 2023 News Briefs

Lenten fish fry St. Mary Catholic Church, 34530 Michigan Ave, will be holding their annual Lenten Fish Fry on Fridays through March 31. The hours are 4-7:00 p.m. The event will be carry-out only. You can visit the website www.stmarywayne.org or call (734) 721-8745 to place your...