August 2015 News Briefs
Summer Concerts in Goudy Park
Summer concerts continue into August. All concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. August 5 will feature The Blackjack Band with songs of the 70s, 80s and 90s. August 12 brings Michigan’s Beatles Tribute Band, The BackBeats to the stage. Fifty Amp Fuse will bring music of our generation on August 19. The concert series ends with TC and the Katz playing oldies on August 26. Pack a picnic and some chairs and come enjoy summer evenings in Wayne.
Friends, People Helping People
The program, “FRIENDS, People Helping People” was started in 1998 to help a Wayne resident whose home was in need of some “tender loving care”. Homes are usually chosen based on the homeowner’s inability to handle the work themselves, due to either financial or health reasons. FRIENDS will pair up the selected home with a group of willing volunteers to complete the work. This year’s scheduled date is Saturday, September 12. If you would like to nominate a home, donate to the program, sign up to volunteer or would like further information, please call the Wayne Community Development Office at 734-419-0118.
Wayne Farmer’s Market
Farmers Market has something for everyone every Wednesday! With over 25 vendors, you can find Michigan-made and Michigan-grown products, homemade soap, candles, garden art, and more! The market is held at Goudy Park where there is a full playground and access to the walking path along the Rouge River! Musicians of all kinds will perform during market hours 3-7 p.m. every Wednesday.
Parking is available in the lot behind the Courthouse off Second Street, in the Wayne Activity & Banquet lot at 35000 Sims Avenue, and across Sims behind the Michigan Avenue shops. For more information on the Farmer’s Market, or if you’d like to perform at the market, please contact Olivia at 313-510-7061 or
2 Students receive Police Department scholarships
The Wayne Police Department Scholarship Fund was started in 2001 to assist graduating Wayne Memorial High School students with pursuing higher education in the field of criminal justice. The scholarship committee looks for applicants with strong personal character, academic achievement and community involvement. The 2015 awardees of the scholarship are Kaitlyn Kuder and Nikki Tolentino. They will each receive $500. Kaitlyn would like to become a Forensic Pathologist while Nikki would like to become a Forensic Psychologist.
Police Department receives grant from Wayne Rotary Foundation
The Wayne Rotary Foundation has awarded a $4,170 grant to the Wayne Police Department to assist with the purchase of new video equipment to perform court proceedings. The original equipment was purchased in 1999 and is outdated. The new technology will allow prisoners to be arraigned from the police department. This will save patrol time by keeping officers on the street rather than transporting prisoners to and from 29th District Court daily. The chances of prisoner escape are eliminated and officer safety is improved.
Crafter’s Market
The Ypsilanti Crafter’s Market will be held on Saturday, August 15 from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Wayne Towers in the City of Wayne. Crafts for sale and much more. All are welcome!
Nankin Mills Historical Series
Wayne County Parks presents the Nankin Mills Historical Series program “French Fur Trading” on Saturday, August 29, 1-2 p.m. at Nankin Mills Interpretive Center in Westland. Learn about the influence of the French when they arrived in the Great Lakes as early as the 1500s and why Michigan was significant in the fur trade. Cost is $2 for Wayne County Residents. Advanced registration and prepayment is required. For more information or to register by phone, call 734-261-1990.
Beer Tasting Fundraiser at Wayne Public Library
The Friends of the Wayne Public Library will be having a Beer Tasting Fundraiser on Friday, August 21, 6-9 p.m. Join the Friends for beer, including three specialty beers: Starkweather Stout, Steamy Windows IPA, and Red Glare Ale-provided by Liberty Street Brewing Company. A brewing expert will discuss the craft brewing process as well as how different types of beer are produced. Tickets are available at the circulation desk for $15.
Library News
A $5000 anonymous donation was made to the Wayne Public Library to be used for “literacy-specifically books.” Also, the library will start working with a collection agency to collect overdue fees. If the agency is unable to collect within 120 days, the debt will be reported to the credit agencies and go on the individual’s credit report. Once the debt has been repaid to the library, the item will be removed from the credit report. The fee charged to the library by the collection agency will be added to the amount to be collected.
Wayne to Host Circus
The Kelly Miller Circus will be returning to Wayne for an all-new 2015 show.
The circus will roll into town on Saturday, August 8. Everyone is invited to come out and watch the animals being unloaded and fed, witness the raising of the giant big top, followed by a special Tiger Meet & Greet. Activities will begin at 7:30 a.m. at Atwood Park. Guides will be furnished for school groups and anyone attending.
The traditional “old style” circus will present performances at 2 and 5 p.m. Support the City of Wayne; buy your tickets in advance and save. The 2015 season promises to be more exciting than ever with many new acts and entertainers to amaze and amuse you. Come out and enjoy a day of fun-filled excitement at the circus.

Pictured (L to R) : Tracy Spiess, Assistant Manager; Jaclyn Mills, Program Coordinator; Tom Lynch, Manager; Peggy Nielsen, Manager and Camp Director, and Kevin Bullock, General Manager.
Harry J. Will Funeral Home supports Camp Erin
In cooperation with local Dignity Memorial Funeral Homes, Harry J. Will Funeral Home donated $5,000 to Camp Erin, a weekend camp for grieving children.
Camp Erin-Detroit is an annual, overnight, weekend camp for children and teens who have experienced the death of someone close to them. It is offered free of charge and is facilitated by professional staff specializing in grief and trained volunteers from Henry Ford Health System’s Sand Castles Grief Support Program.
Grief is a normal, natural response to death and children need to be supported in order to begin to heal. Camp Erin offers that support and provides grieving children the opportunity to experience a fun camp experience, as well as normalize their grief with peers through grief related activities.
Children entering first grade through 12th grade who have experienced a death are welcome to participate. Call Sand Castles at (313) 874-6881 for further information. Camp enrollment is on a first come, first served basis, so register early.
City Hall Roof
Due to the wet weather Wayne experienced in May and June, delays occurred in roof work on City Hall. Better weather has arrived and the contractor has been able to open up the roof and start making repairs. City Hall is now expected to reopen in October.
Michigan Avenue Bench Dedication Ceremony
Join Wayne Main Street on Friday, August 21, at 5:30 p.m. when 8 benches will be presented and dedicated in downtown Wayne. The ceremony will take place at “Bench #1” located at the SE corner of Michigan Ave. and Wayne Rd by the Welcome to Downtown Wayne sign. There is still time to sponsor a bench and get a plaque with your or your business’s name for $500. Contact Lindsey Wooten at 734-629-6822 for more information.
Rouge a Palooza
The 3rd annual Rouge a Palooza will be held in Goudy Park on Saturday, October 10. The event will include a canoe race, kayaking, wildlife and environmental displays, a bounce house and other fun activities. The Wayne Rotary will have supplies available for attendees to make boats to enter in the boat race. Wayne Main Street will have duck-related activities for children in addition to selling “ducks” for the duck race. WMS also has two kayaks they will be raffling off to two winners. There will be food and drinks available for purchase. St Mary’s will be hosting a beer tent, and there will be music throughout the day. Check out the website for more information as the event gets closer.
Beginners Tai Chi Class
If you’d like to get back into exercising, but have limitations, please consider Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a weight-bearing and moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise composed of gentle, graceful movements that strengthen without over-stressing your cardiovascular system or joints. Practiced on a regular basis, Tai Chi can help improve balance and reduce falls, increase strength and flexibility, reduce pain, improve cardiovascular function and produce a general feeling of well-being. The Wayne Senior Services office is looking to start a beginners class on Tuesday, September 15, at 9 a.m. Session is 10 weeks/$65 per session. For further information, please call Nancy at the Senior Services Office, 734-721-7460.
I Wish This Was…
Forty different businesses were mentioned during the community visioning session Wayne Main Street hosted during the Saturday Sidewalk Sales last month. Members of the Promotions Committee asked people what they would like to see the vacant building at 3023 S. Wayne Rd. become. Toy store was the most frequently mentioned along with a place that children could go to to have fun. The other top vote getters were a music store of some type, a game store and a bookstore. Other suggestions included places to eat (diner, deli, Mexican or a “destination” restaurant). The suggestions will be given to the building’s owner to aid him in marketing the building once he has completed façade improvements in the coming months.
Wayne/Westland Backpack Giveaway
Are you a family with limited resources and need help providing your children with a new backpack and school supplies? Do you live in the Wayne/Westland or Garden City school districts?
If so, you can register to receive a backpack from Kirk of Our Savior Presbyterian Church in Westland. On August 12 from 3-6 p.m, you can sign your children up. You will need to show a Medicaid card for each child to establish need.
There will be a Backpack Blessing and Picnic on Sunday, August 30th, at which the backpacks can be picked up. For more information, contact Kirk of Our Savior at 728-1088.
Wayne Main Street Moves to Wayne Historical Museum
On July 23rd, Wayne Main Street moved their offices from the Wayne Activity and Banquet Center to the Wayne Historical Museum. With the resignation of the former museum manager, the city asked Wayne Main Street to operate out of the museum. The arrangement benefits both entities.
WMS is no longer in a temporary office, and the city now has someone with a degree in historic preservation situated in the building 5 days a week. Although Executive Director Lindsey Wooten will not be running the museum, she will be assisting the city by partnering with the Historical Commission and Historical Society to coordinate an active docent program.
Eventually, the museum will be open longer hours than it previously had. In the meantime, anyone looking to do research can call the museum at 722-0113 to make arrangements to access the archives.
Operation Chill®
For the second year, Wayne police officers are participating in Operation Chill®, 7-Eleven®’s community outreach program designed to reduce crime and enhance relationships between police and youth. Operation Chill allows law enforcement officers to “ticket” kids they observe doing good deeds or exhibiting positive behavior. The ticket is actually a coupon good for a free 12-oz. Slurpee® at any participating U.S. 7 Eleven store.