(734) 641-6550

“White Boy Rick” visits Wayne Releaf

By Sarah Shurge – Picture this: you visit a cannabis dispensary. Recreational marijuana was legalized in Michigan in 2018, so you think nothing of it. Now picture this instead: you’ve spent 32 years in prison for a drug offense, you are the longest-serving...

New homes in Kiawanis Park build on track

By Sarah Shurge – In February, two structures stood alone surrounded by snow. Now there are four structures. One stands in Lot 3, one in Lot 4, one in Lot 13, and the last in Lot 14. To some, it might look like an incomplete job. To others, it might look like progress...

Wayne Scout raising funds for playground

By Sarah Shurge – All it takes is one person and an idea to make a difference. Jayce Elmore is a Life Scout from Troop 735 in Wayne. Elmore has been a scout since he was in 1st grade, and a Life Scout for about one year. He is fundraising for his Eagle Scout Service Project...

Staying Power – What are the keys to lasting love and a strong marriage? According to one Wayne couple, it’s commitment, honesty, and putting the other person first

By Courtney Conover – Marriage, for the most part, exists as an idyllic social construct in our society. Sure, stereotypes like the husband who ignores his wife’s honey-do list, the wife who shops too much, and the mother-in-law who can’t stop meddling make for convenient...

3rd graders receive the gift of words

By Carolyn Marnon – For the 17th year, the Wayne Michigan Rotary Club is embarking on their annual dictionary project, the “Gift of Words.” After the dictionaries are presented this month, over 5000 3rd graders who attended a public or private school located within the City...

February 2022 News Briefs

Learn about the life of Henry Ford Mike Skinner of the Ford Piquette Plant museum will be at the Wayne Historical Museum, 1 Towne Square, on Thursday, February 10, at 7 p.m. to give a lecture on the life of Henry Ford. All are invited to attend. Girls from the class of 2023...

Wayne Public Library celebrated 25 years in 2021

By Carolyn Marnon – “This building became a library when the people walked in,” said then-Library Board President Ed Marman at the dedication ceremony of the Wayne Public Library 25 years ago. Twenty-five years later, the library still exists to serve the community,...

7 unselfish ways to put yourself first

It’s February, also known as the month that is quintessentially cupid and all things red and pink. And that generally means we’ll fall in one of three categories: We’re giddy about the romance and chocolates we’re set to receive, we’re a bit salty because we’re not anticipating...

WWJ Newsradio 950’s midday anchor Brooke Allen is a wife, mother, and unabashed optimist. Here, she shares her approach to remaining hopeful about the future.

By Courtney Conover – Brooke Allen is a woman who knows what she likes—and it includes connecting with Metro Detroit listeners every weekday. And drinking coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. A graduate of Wayne Memorial High School’s class of 1988, Allen went on to study...

Wayne DDA: The year 2021 in review

By Sarah Shurge – Many of the events you attended and enjoyed in Wayne throughout 2021 could not have been possible without the City of Wayne Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and you probably didn’t even know it. The DDA has many purposes, some of which are to correct...