(734) 641-6550

Scholarship winners dine with Ladies Literary Club

By Carolyn Marnon – The Ladies Literary Club, established in 1896, is the oldest continuously meeting club in Wayne. Established by women for women in Wayne who didn’t have a chance to be educated back in the late 1800s, the goal was to learn about subjects such as...

Seniors living it up with lemons

By Carolyn Marnon – “The Spirit of America” bonds nursing home residents, volunteers, caregivers and staff as they work together each day to encourage independent living for the residents and patients at Maple Manor Rehab Center here in Wayne. To celebrate National Nursing...

June 2017 News Briefs

CORRECTION: Retiree health care stipend plan approved A health plan was approved 4-2 by City Council on April 18 to provide City of Wayne retirees with a stipend for health care while reducing city spending. Pre-65 retirees would receive $241.50 per month if single, $508 couple,...

Downtown days coming to Downtown Wayne

Downtown Wayne will host the first annual Downtown Days event July 13th thru the 15th. The event will feature a slate of activities and promotions meant to draw people into downtown Wayne. While Downtown Days may be new, the event is an expansion of the Sidewalk Sales activities...

New child identification phone app rolled out in Michigan

By Carolyn Marnon – Michigan Masons have stepped up to help with a comprehensive child recovery and identification program. The Michigan Child ID Program provides parents a “Child ID Kit” that contains all the vital information necessary to expedite law...

May 2017 News Briefs

Wayne: Its Early Farms and Practices Join the Wayne Historical Society on Thursday, May 11, at 7:00 p.m. for “Wayne: It’s Early Farms and Practices” program. Come learn about Wayne’s early farming history and the unique things Wayne was known for. Did you know Wayne and Michigan...

Making a Difference for Girls

By Natalie Rhaesa – What does it mean to be changed?  If you were to look up the word ‘change’ in a dictionary or google search, you would see phrases such as: “to become different,” or “to be transformed.”    Change is powerful.  Some believe change is good, others believe...

Red Wings vs. Road Runners: it’s a win!

By Carolyn Marnon – The Detroit Red Wings and the Roosevelt-McGrath Road Runners have many things in common. Students at the elementary school learned all about them at a recent Detroit Red Wings School Assembly. The assembly was interactive and provided positive messages...

Sharing scholarship makes everyone a winner

By Carolyn Marnon – Wouldn’t you like to be part of a program where girls share in the scholarship money available?  Wouldn’t you like to have fun while doing it? It’s possible when you participate in the Distinguished Young Women program. Distinguished Young Women (DYW) is...

Art sparks excitement in Wayne

By Carolyn Marnon – “What are all those people doing standing on the sidewalk?” must have been going through the minds of Wayne Road drivers last month as they witnessed the mass of people standing outside Helium Studios on April 13. Passing cars honked their horns as Wayne...