(734) 641-6550

Emergency financial review denied

By Carolyn Marnon – The State of Michigan Department of Treasury has notified Mayor Susan M. Rowe that they will not conduct a preliminary review of the City of Wayne’s finances. Mayor Rowe sent a letter to the Michigan Treasury Department dated August 9 asking them to...

Gave up New York and the world for Wayne

By Carolyn Marnon – Who gives up their jet-setter life to settle down in a quiet neighborhood in Wayne?  Jo Ann Hanson did.  She had an apartment in New York City and owned a rental property on Long Island.  She flew “up, up and away” up until ten years ago when she retired...

Her many angles make her a perfect choice

By Carolyn Marnon – Beverly Campbell has many different facets. These facets all come together to form this wonderful woman who was recently named Wayne’s 22nd Annual Diamond of the Community.  This award recognizes a Wayne resident who is over 70 and actively volunteering...

Wayne Ladies’ Literary Club celebrates 120 years

Darlene Hawley – Last week, the Ladies’ Literary Club of Wayne celebrated their 120th year of  meeting and offering programs to women of our community and surrounding communities.  A dinner meeting was held at Karl’s Cabin in Plymouth to begin this 120th year...

Funding will be used for park and recreational improvements

Last month, State Representative and Democratic Whip Robert Kosowski (D- Westland) presented checks to the cities of Westland and Wayne to help with development of the cities’ parks and recreation systems. “I am proud that I was able to bring home this money to my district,”...

HYPE celebrates successes of their first year in Wayne

By Carolyn Marnon – HYPE celebrates successes of their first year in Wayne“Together, We Rise” is the theme of HYPE Recreation Center of Western Wayne as they celebrate one year in the old Wayne Rec Center building. HYPE CEO Ali Sayed spoke before the Wayne City Council...

Water meters being replaced throughout community

By Carolyn Marnon – Water meter replacements have started in Wayne.  Etna Supply, a Michigan-based company, is finishing the replacement of water meters at commercial businesses in Wayne.  Once that is complete, replacement of residential water meters will begin. Residents...

The bells of early Wayne

By Darlene Hawley – In today’s world communication is almost instantaneous.  Television and the internet connect us to every part of the world within minutes of a disaster, happening, phenomenon, tragedy, or happy event.  Live coverage means we know every detail and...

Firefighters make concessions under new contract

By Carolyn Marnon – Wayne firefighters recently approved a three-year contract with the City and made concessions to help the city during its financial crisis. “They came to the table with the best faith a labor union can,” said City Manager Lisa Nocerini. Firefighters...

Wayne receives grant to add six firefighters

By Carolyn Marnon – The City of Wayne’s application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a grant to fund six firefighter positions for two years was approved.  $994,848 from the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant program (SAFER) will...