Board of Education approves closing three schools

At their May 21 meeting the Wayne-Westland Community Schools Board of Education voted to accept the recommendation from the Demographics and Utilization subcommittee to close three schools over the next three years.
The recommendation was approved in a 6-0 vote.
In August 2020 Marshall Upper Elementary School will close. This will reallocate $10 million of Bond funds to other school buildings in the District. Marshall will potentially be repurposed to house existing district programs.
In August 2021 Hoover Elementary School will close. This will reallocate $4.7 million to other school buildings in the District. Hoover will also potentially be repurposed to serve the community.
In August 2022, if needed, Walker-Winter Elementary School will close.
The reason the District had to consider closing schools is because of the trend of declining student enrollment. In November 2018 voters in the community approved a $158 million bond. To qualify for the bond funds, the schools must operate at 80% capacity.
In April 2018 the Board of Education approved a grade level re-configuration to move to K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 grade and to close three buildings beginning in Fall 2020.
From December 2018- April 2019, the Demographics and Utilization subcommittee collected data, held focus groups with stakeholders, and created a recommendation to present to the Board of Education.