Brooke’s books benefits students of all ages

Wayne-Westland teachers loved receiving the new books for their classrooms.
By Carolyn Marnon – “Community Circle’s first literacy campaign is coming to an end! We were able to help all ranges of grades,” organizer Brooke Johnson exclaimed. “This week I will be packaging and delivering the books to the schools that answered my email that I sent out.”
With the generous donations of community members, Brooke, a student at Wayne Memorial High School, was able to obtain books for kindergarten through 8th grade teachers for their classrooms.
Once those had been sorted and packaged, she started looking for donations to help her fellow high school students. She had an Amazon wishlist available for books she hoped donors would purchase. Brooke also asked for used books. Each book that was donated has a nameplate inside the cover listing the donor.
Brooke was able to collect enough books to give to the nine Wayne-Westland schools that responded to her outreach. “Two books for each class, leaving me with extra books that will potentially go to Stottlemyer to hopefully start their love for reading at a young age.”
With her goal reached on this project, it is time to wait and see what this young future leader has up her sleeve for her next community campaign.