(734) 641-6550

Concerts in Goudy Park even bigger

By Carolyn Marnon – The Wayne Rotary has coordinated this summer’s Concerts in the Park series. Councilman John Rhaesa, the new President of the club, has been busy booking the bands and getting sponsors for this annual event. All concerts are at the amphitheater at Goudy...

Mastering the art of gardening

By Carolyn Marnon – Do you feel good when you drive down the street and see a beautiful yard? What about when you take a walk and see flowers blooming in a garden? There are many people who are lucky enough to have green thumbs. There are those who are lucky enough to get...

Wayne Downtown Days, July 13 thru 15

By Carolyn Marnon – What was once known as Sidewalk Sales during July has taken on a new name. Downtown Days have emerged to be more inclusive of other activities that can take place during this annual event in Downtown Wayne. Downtown Days will be held Thursday, July...

Local volunteers needed for Wayne Rouge Rescue event

There’s been lots of good news flowing out of our Rouge Rescue in recent years. After generations of neglect, the river began to make a comeback a couple decades ago.  Municipalities in the Rouge River watershed, like Wayne, began to implement pollution controls to meet federal...

Committed to bringing Wayne together

By Maxwell Cameron – Beautiful public spaces, a historic downtown, and robust community pride- these are the key ingredients for a vibrant community, and attributes Wayne possesses in abundance. Just as significant, our city has an organization working to bring these...

Seniors living it up with lemons

By Carolyn Marnon – “The Spirit of America” bonds nursing home residents, volunteers, caregivers and staff as they work together each day to encourage independent living for the residents and patients at Maple Manor Rehab Center here in Wayne. To celebrate National Nursing...

Downtown days coming to Downtown Wayne

Downtown Wayne will host the first annual Downtown Days event July 13th thru the 15th. The event will feature a slate of activities and promotions meant to draw people into downtown Wayne. While Downtown Days may be new, the event is an expansion of the Sidewalk Sales activities...

New child identification phone app rolled out in Michigan

By Carolyn Marnon – Michigan Masons have stepped up to help with a comprehensive child recovery and identification program. The Michigan Child ID Program provides parents a “Child ID Kit” that contains all the vital information necessary to expedite law...

Making a Difference for Girls

By Natalie Rhaesa – What does it mean to be changed?  If you were to look up the word ‘change’ in a dictionary or google search, you would see phrases such as: “to become different,” or “to be transformed.”    Change is powerful.  Some believe change is good, others believe...

Red Wings vs. Road Runners: it’s a win!

By Carolyn Marnon – The Detroit Red Wings and the Roosevelt-McGrath Road Runners have many things in common. Students at the elementary school learned all about them at a recent Detroit Red Wings School Assembly. The assembly was interactive and provided positive messages...