(734) 641-6550

Farewell Jake’s again

By Dee Ryan – Pam Dobrowolski sends this lovely message about Jake’s party. It was held in February at the Moose Hall in Wayne. “You could tell how many lives Jake has touched over the years by the hundred plus friends that showed up for the fundraiser, which was held for...

Wayne Main Street hosts Building Basics Workshop

Lindsey Wooten – The Wayne Main Street Design Committee announces the upcoming application period of the Wayne Main Street Design Services program. An information meeting for business and building owners who are located in the Main Street district will be held on Monday,...

Sweet treats for Wayne

Darlene Hawley – As March arrives and winter wanes we begin to look for signs of spring and an end to the cold snowy weather of January and February.  Of course the 20th of March is the official first day of spring but there are other signs we look for.  Robins gathering in...

In memory of my daughter, Isabella Harmony Shuh (9/30/2005-3/08/2006)

Buddy Shuh – At about 8 a.m. on March 8th of 2006, my phone rang. It was Children’s Hospital in Detroit. They told me that it was time, and that I probably needed to hurry. You see, they knew that my wife and I wanted to be present when our five month old daughter passed...

Unsung heros

Dee Ryan – Join me in praising the unsung heroes of Wayne’s DPW.  Their names are: Mike Britton,  Steve Curley, Brian Smith, Craig Krzeninski, Chuck Hannah and Mike Schuell. On Monday, February 16, a day you’ll remember that was bitterly cold with temps below zero, this...

Downtown Façade program launched

Lindsey Wooten – The Wayne Main Street Design Committee announces the launch of the Wayne Main Street Façade Incentive Grant program. An information meeting for business and building owners who are located in the Main Street district will be held on Tuesday, February 17th,...

On the mend

Dee Ryan – Many of you know that my husband took a terrible fall in our bathroom. This happened just before New Year’s and he was pretty banged up. The great guys from Wayne’s EMS unit got him to Oakwood Hospital.  It was determined that he had type “B” flu—and was in...

A gift to our community

  By Darlene Hawley – I doubt that there are very many people in our community, if any, who have not shopped at Leo’s Jewelry Store during the last 70 years.  I’m sure that many have purchased an item or piece of jewelry from Leo’s that they still own and treasure today. It...

Highlights of what’s happening in Lansing

By Robert Kosowski – The Lame Duck session turned in over 200 bills. The last night of Lame Duck started at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday and finished at 7:00 a.m. the next morning. Road funding was the most significant bill that was finally voted on. The approved plan includes at...

Shopping long ago

The Farmer’s Store was built in 1848 by Williams Steers but John C. Stellwagen purchased it in 1880 and ran the business until he took on a partner, Antony (Tony) Snyder, in 1907. They were in business in Wayne for many years. The building was demolished in 1960 during urban...