(734) 641-6550

Last words on our old Wayne cemetery

Life was difficult in the early years of our community.  Our cemetery tombstones and grave markers display the great number of deaths of men, women and children at very young ages.   While modern medicine and better diets have increased the life expectancy for people today, there...

Meet Mr. Northside

By Dee Ryan – After 40 years in Wayne, I finally met “Mr. Northside Hardware,” Mr. Phil Kaplan.  He’s owned the store for 58 years.  Built in 1930 and at one time owned by Harley Smith, Mr. Kaplan bought Northside from John Valance.  In 1983 the store underwent a major...

Second time is a charm for Buddy Up

By Buddy Shuh – Yes we can!  But it does take a community. Is it possible for local city government, businesses, churches, a hospital, and people who live in the community to all join forces for a common cause? It sure is! I am currently witnessing it through the Buddy Up...

More about the old Wayne Cemetery

                  By Darlene Hawley – Since a cemetery is a time capsule of years gone by and a recording of our ancestors and those who lived in our community long ago, we can learn about the past by exploring the tombstones of those...

A year in review from State Representative Kosowski

By State Representative Robert Kosowski – Happy New Year! Looking back at 2013 many great things have been accomplished in Lansing. Let me start by thanking the great residents of the City of Wayne and Westland for electing me to serve them as their State Representative....

Old Wayne Cemetery

By Darlene Hawley – To some, a cemetery is a scary place that is to be avoided.  This is especially true around Halloween or on dark and dreary nights.  Many ghost stories have been written dealing with cemeteries and events that have taken place in them.  But, in reality,...

What are your wishes for Wayne for 2014?

By Dee Ryan – Matt Miller writes about his goals for the planning department: Have the Downtown Design Standard Ordinance adopted.  This is the outcome of the Downtown Master Plan where we will begin to require a better design on any improvements or new construction in the...

History of Eloise

By Darlene Hawley –  Wayne Ladies’ Literary Club recently reviewed a book at their book discussion meeting and it brought back a host of childhood memories for those in attendance who grew up in Wayne and surrounding communities.  It was a true story called “Annie’s Ghost”...

Season’s Greetings!!

By Buddy Shuh – In today’s column I want to tell you about two different programs that might be of help to you this time of year. The first is a present giveaway for children at Christmas time and the second is a free health program that begins in January. First, since it’s...

Did you know?

By Darlene Hawley – In the study of the history of our community there are so many interesting things uncovered about the people and how they lived, the development of the area, the things that influenced the growth of the town and the events that forced the change of...