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Good finds and great vibes at Goody’s Pet Supply

Welcome back to another Spotlight Series with Sarah! If you’re new here, I’m shining a spotlight on hidden gems in the City of Wayne that I personally visit, experience, and review for my readers. I started this series to get to know the city more personally, while my readers can...

Karma Coffee and Kitchen – a hidden gem in Wayne

As someone that grew up in the City of Wayne and now writes for the City of Wayne, I thought it would be fun to get to know the city more personally, while my readers can get to know me better in the process. To do this, I’m starting a series about hidden gems in the City of...

Do you make your bed properly? (Spoiler: Many don’t.)

I learned something the other day that I didn’t know—but probably should have—because it makes a lot of sense: I learned the real reason why hotels use white bed sheets. According to the magazine Travel + Leisure, it basically boils down to humans being imperfect beings who want...

School district working towards budget resolution

By Sarah Shurge – Over the summer, the Wayne-Westland Community Schools (WWCS) learned about significant issues related to the district finances. WWCS Superintendent John Dignan, released a statement to the community on Tuesday, October 24th, explaining that the annual...

11 hip phrases you may want to know

It’s almost Thanksgiving, so you know what that means. There’s the prospect of nearly three different generations gathering around the table to cut the turkey, feast on trimmings, and catch up on life. And that means lots can get lost in translation. But if you’re like me, that...

Cash Stuffing: Have you heard of it?

It’s a Thing Jasmine Taylor was once afflicted with something that ails a lot of Americans: Not having enough money. And being saddled with debt certainly didn’t help. She had roughly $60,000 in student loan debt as well as another $9,000 in medical and credit card debt on...

Why coffee filters are unsung heroes

When my kids bought me a newfangled Keurig coffee machine for Mother’s Day a few years ago (alright, we all know it was my husband who really made the purchase, but I digress), I was ecstatic and over the moon. I ended up loving everything about owning one. It was like I was now...

When Wayne had a lake

Did you know that Wayne used to have a man-made lake for recreation? The land bordered by Michigan, Hannan, Glenwood and Hix was all the Irving Carpenter farm. He had bought the land in 1904 from the Nash family and grew the farm to include a Sugar Bush, where maple syrup was...

5 eyesores house guests notice first

Did you know that out of all the months of the year, July ranks third in popularity? According to Ranker, a website that polls millions on everything from film to sports to food, July even topped December, which clocked in at fourth; May secured the top spot, while June came in...

Early car makers in Wayne

There were cars made in Wayne before Ford? Yes! The first was made by a man named Charles Collier, a Civil War veteran, he moved to Wayne around 1900 and opened a bicycle repair shop at the corner of Brush and Newberry. Known as a tinkerer, Collier put bicycle tires on a buggy...