(734) 641-6550

Celebrating the Holidays in Wayne

By Darlene Hawley – It’s December and the holidays are fast approaching. We all have traditions that make the holiday special. Many of our special traditions are part of our childhood and the childhoods of our parents and their parents before them. We carry on the...

Wayne Hospital celebrates 60 years

By Darlene Hawley – Early settlers in our community had to travel many miles to find a doctor. The first doctor to come to Wayne to practice was Dr. Julius M. Hume who arrived in 1832 and practiced until 1856. People often relied on early druggists to identify their...

Wayne’s bike rack campaign succeeds

By Maxwell Cameron – Spend some time in downtown Wayne and it’s clear that biking is positively impacting our community. More and more Wayne residents are using pedal power as a healthy way to enjoy our city’s downtown space. Ridership in the Wayne Bicycle Club’s weekly...

The train comes to Wayne

By Darlene Hawley – Wherever you live in Wayne, you are aware of the trains. You can hear their whistle and the clickety clack of their wheels on the rails at all times of the day and night. The Rouge River, which flows through our town, is especially helpful in carrying...

The Village days

By Darlene Hawley – In my last article I wrote about the founder of our community, Ezra Derby, who bought 80 acres and the log tavern built in 1824 by George M. Johnson. Derby proceeded to “grow” the community by building a saw mill, a home, store and blacksmith shop and...

Wayne in the beginning

By Darlene Hawley – Get ready to enjoy downtown Wayne!! “ Main Street” and other local organizations are busy planning and preparing for a multitude of activities and programs for young and old in our community July 13, 14 and 15th. Wayne’s Downtown Days and Car...

Staying connected

By Darlene Hawley – Communication is an extremely important part of every individual’s life.  We all must communicate with each other to maintain ties with family, friends and the world around us.  For many years, mail delivery served as a communication link between...

Rotary: Service above self

By Darlene Hawley – Last month, on February 23, an organization called “Rotary International” celebrated its founding 112 years earlier.  It took place in Chicago with a man named Paul Harris who served as the first president.  (In later years, Paul Harris Awards would be...

What’s old is new again

By Darlene Hawley – Three years ago I wrote an article for this paper about Wayne’s Historical Museum, the oldest public building still standing in Wayne and located in the heart of our community.  At one time Wayne was full of old historic buildings and homes rich in...

Piecing it all together for those in need

Darlene Hawley – We live in a world of abundance!!  We have everything we can possibly want,  need or desire available to us at an unbelievable number and variety of stores surrounding our communities.  Grocery stores are filled with every kind of food imaginable from all...