(734) 641-6550

Church bell is now ringing at St. Joseph’s

By Sarah Shurge – Church bells aren’t heard as often as they used to be, but St. Joseph’s Catholic Church is excited and proud to keep the sound of church bells ringing in Wayne. “It’s like a traditional thing,” said Father Francisco Radecki, CMRI (Congregation...

Concerts in Goudy Park return to Downtown Wayne

By Sarah Shurge – Have you patiently been waiting for free concerts in Goudy Park to return to downtown Wayne? If so, get ready because they are finally back! Each show will be Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. at Goudy Park, located at 3355 S. Wayne Rd. There will be no...

New police therapy dog in training

By Sarah Shurge – In October 2022, the Wayne Police Department’s therapy dog, Zeke, tragically and suddenly passed away after a short battle with cancer. However, the therapy dog program did not end with Zeke. Zeke inspired therapy dog programs at multiple other police...

Lt. Amore selected as Police Officer of the Year

By Sarah Shurge – Each year the Wayne Police Department’s Awards Committee – which consists of patrol officers, command officers, and the police chief – meets to select a Police Officer of the Year Award recipient as well as other individual awards for exemplary...

Former Wayne-Westland Community School District teacher and school board member Tom Buckalew talks classroom etiquette, life lessons, and vacation plans

By Courtney Conover – Having retired from teaching in 2009, Tom Buckalew has become well accustomed to having free time on his hands. But that’s not to say he’s idle—far from it. On tap for Buckalew, 78, is a summer brimming with the kind of activity that fuels the sou...

Why coffee filters are unsung heroes

When my kids bought me a newfangled Keurig coffee machine for Mother’s Day a few years ago (alright, we all know it was my husband who really made the purchase, but I digress), I was ecstatic and over the moon. I ended up loving everything about owning one. It was like I was now...

City to receive $4.9 million to replace lead lines

By Sarah Shurge – The City of Wayne is one step closer to ensuring safe drinking water for all residents with the lead line replacement project. During the Wayne City Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 11th, State Senator Darrin Camilleri and State Representative Kevin...

When Wayne had a lake

Did you know that Wayne used to have a man-made lake for recreation? The land bordered by Michigan, Hannan, Glenwood and Hix was all the Irving Carpenter farm. He had bought the land in 1904 from the Nash family and grew the farm to include a Sugar Bush, where maple syrup was...

Don Quarles selected to city council

By Sarah Shurge – After Mayor Pro Tempore Tom Porter resigned from his seat on City Council, the council needed a new member. On Tuesday, July 17th, Don Quarles was voted in. Quarles was officially sworn in after the council meeting and then ceremonially sworn in on...

Identical twins commemorated 50 years of owning matching cars with photoshoot

By Sarah Shurge – The year was 1972. Two identical twins purchased two Ford Gran Torinos from Jack Demmer Ford in Wayne. Their vehicle’s VIN numbers only one number apart. Flash forward to the year 2022, those same identical twins had a 50-year photoshoot with those same...