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Citizens rally behind Wayne Animal Shelter

The Wayne Professional Fire Fighters give Wayne City Manager, Lisa Nocerini a check for $250.00 to help the Wayne Animal Shelter.

By Carolyn Marnon – Many who follow City Manager Lisa Nocerini and/or any of the Wayne-oriented groups on social media know how much Lisa’s beloved dog, Jack Bear, was her “child.” Jack Bear died August 30, 2017.
In honor of Jack Bear, a fundraiser was set up to benefit the Wayne Animal Shelter located at 4000 Biddle St.
In her posting, Lisa wrote:

Lisa and Jack Bear

“In Memory of my Beloved Jack Bear: (and in lieu of birthday gifts this year) The Wayne, MI Animal Shelter is in dire need of repairs and upgrades. For instance: the shelter needs to have cracks repaired, it needs to be painted, the floors need to be resealed/recoated, the openings for the dogs to go in and out need to be fixed (the concrete is deteriorating around the openings), a new sink/laundry tub needs to be installed to replace the current one, we would like to add an awning over the dog run to reduce rain and snow that falls into the dog run and for providing shade in the summer. And we can always use more food, bowls etc. Thank you so much. Every little bit helps.” The goal was to raise $5,000.
At the time the online fundraiser officially ended, the goal was surpassed by $60.
There are still other improvements to make, so if you would like to donate, you can drop off or mail your donation to Wayne City Hall, 3355 S. Wayne Rd. If you are using a check, please make it out to “City of Wayne” and write “Wayne Animal Shelter donation” on the check. An account has been specifically designated for the shelter donations. You will be issued a receipt.

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