Congresswoman fights for Wayne

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib
13th District of Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib is supporting the Goudy Park Amphitheatre restoration in the city of Wayne. Tlaib attended the May 18, 2021 City Council meeting via Zoom to discuss her plans for helping Wayne residents.
Her FY 2022 Community Project Funding request includes $550,000 for the amphitheatre restoration. In her request to the House of Representatives, Congress of the United States, she wrote of the impact the funding would have on the 13th District: “The amphitheater not only provides a space for events, music, art and cultural experiences, it is also a tremendous creative and communal space that is inclusive, diverse, progressive and inspiring to so many. This venue also brings patrons into the downtown area when events are held. When patrons spend their money in the downtown that in turn is helping the local businesses. Prior to the pandemic, when the Concert’s in the Park were in progress during the months of July and August, the amphitheater drew thousands to the downtown weekly. The local establishments did directly benefit from this influx of activity in the downtown area.”
Tlaib urged the council to approve a resolution for this Community Project application which they subsequently did at the following council meeting on June 1.
Another Community Project Tlaib is supporting is funding for career-tech education within Wayne Westland schools. She describes the project: “Purpose and Why It is an Appropriate Use of Taxpayer Funds: Wayne-Westland Build Your Future: Pathways To The Workforce proposed program is designed to address the community need for an integrated career readiness system through a unique partnership between the District, the cities of Westland, Wayne, and Inkster; local chambers, and SEMCA, the local Workforce Board for Out-Wayne County. Together, these partners will establish a targeted work-based learning career pathways program, which meets multiple students, district and community needs. This program aligns and supports Michigan’s Going PRO campaign. The program will target 300 at-risk students in grades 8-10 (minimum of 14 years) who attend Wayne-Westland Community Schools. Impact for the 13th District: With this program, our young residents will have increased access to work-based learning opportunities which allow them to successfully obtain future employment opportunities.”
Other items discussed during the council meeting included funeral, rent, mortgage, utility and water assistance, and the US Postal Service delivery system.
There is funeral assistance through FEMA for people who have had to bury a loved one due to Covid-19. Even if already paid for, residents may be able to get some of those funds back. She urges people to reach out to her. “I know that can’t replace your loved one, but I also want to make sure you don’t have a hard financial struggle because, no fault of your own, this pandemic has taken a loved one away from you.”
Funds are also available through Wayne Metro Community Action Agency for help with rent, mortgage, water and utilities. Tlaib advises you reach out to her before you get shut-off or eviction notices as funds are limited and if you wait to ask for help, you might miss out.
Tlaib recently toured the Fort St post office building after hearing about delivery issues. She has seen that more carriers are needed on the ground.
The post office is hiring. If residents need a job, they might consider applying with the USPS. If you are having issues with mail being delivered, please reach out to Tlaib’s office. She is tracking the information.
Contact Congresswoman Tlaib’s office at (313) 463-6220.