Couple celebrates 79th wedding anniversary

Henry and Emma Timmermann
By Sarah Shurge – Many people celebrate love on February 14th, but Henry and Emma Timmermann celebrated something even more special this month.
On Sunday, February 9th, Henry and Emma celebrated their 79th wedding anniversary.
A celebratory brunch was held at US-12 Bar & Grill.
Last June, Henry turned 100 years old. The mayors of Wayne and Westland attended his celebration, and the family is hoping they will be able to celebrate Henry and Emma’s 80th anniversary next year with a larger celebration.
On a rainy afternoon in February 1946, Henry and Emma were pronounced man and wife at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Wayne.
Five children, 18 grandchildren, 25 great grandchildren, and 15 great-great grandchildren later, Henry and Emma are still as strong as they ever were.

Henry and Emma Timmermann were married February 9, 1946.
Henry can still remember the first time he laid eyes on Emma at a Halloween party in the church basement, which was located in Wayne, just over a month after the end of WWII.
Emma, an original Rosie working for Stinson Aircraft in Wayne building the L-13 grasshopper reconnaissance aircraft, wasn’t interested in dating at that time.
Henry persisted and the couple went on their first date to a drive-in theater at Schaefer Road and 8 Mile. They continued to date, going to movies and seeing shows at the Fox theater in Detroit.
As a German national, Henry was barred from serving in the war and instead participated in the war efforts with his carpentry work.
The Timmermann’s both grew up on farms and were raised during the Great Depression, which instilled a strong work ethic in them.
Their effortless relationship was built out of mutual respect and centered on faith.
Both Henry and Emma are members of the Wayne Historical Society.
Emma claims the secret to a long-standing relationship is being stubborn.
“Always remember the good things and I think that has worked for us more than anything else. More than anything else you forget your arguments, you forget your bad times, and that is what has brought us here now. We’re happy together,” said Emma.
Congratulations to Henry and Emma on 79 years of love!