Free breakfast and lunch for children

Wayne-Westland Community Schools drive-thru food distributions passed out over 2,200 breakfasts and 2,200 lunches to children at John Glenn High School.
Wayne-Westland Community Schools has been providing access to free breakfast and lunch for all students up to 18 years old and students age 18-26 in the adult transitional program. Families are welcome to pick up meals on the scheduled Monday dates. A 5-day supply of breakfast and lunch has been handed out in the 3 previous weeks.
Meal pick up time has been 10:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. at John Glenn High School, 36105 Marquette, Westland. This has been a drive-thru distribution. Students do not need to be present for families to obtain meals.
Please contact the school district or visit their website for any recent updates and new distribution dates.
NOTE: If meals are available, you will enter at the driveway on the west end of the Board of Education office on Marquette. The main entrance at John Glenn High School will be closed. The line will wrap around behind the William D. Ford Career-Technical Center and up to the front entrance of John Glenn High School. Volunteers will bring the food to the vehicle. Meals distributed will follow USDA reimbursable meal guidelines.
Additional food resources can be found at or where families can search by zip code and distance.