JROTC to compete in National Championship
After advancing through two phases of online competition, Wayne Memorial High School’s JROTC Leadership Team will compete in person at the Championship event in Washington, DC. The 2017 U.S. Army JROTC Leadership Bowl Championship will be held on the campus of The Catholic University of America, June 23-27, 2017. Wayne Memorial High School is in the top three percent of the nation’s leadership teams. They have competed against more than 2,000 high school programs across the country.
Wayne Memorial High School JROTC team earned top scores out of the 1,378 U.S. Army JROTC teams that competed from around the world. The team is one of only forty Army JROTC Leadership Bowl teams in the nation to advance to the National Leadership Bowl competition. During the two fast-paced preliminary rounds, cadets were tested on their knowledge of current events, leadership values, and leadership skills. The JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) is a nationally recognized competition created exclusively for JROTC students. By participating, cadets learn the values of citizenship, academic competition, and college opportunity.