June 2017 News Briefs

State Champion – Wayne Memorial senior Anavia Battle ended her high school career as Michigan High School Athletic Association’s 100 meter State Champion. Going into states, Anavia was ranked the number one seed. “I have a large stride so I used it to my advantage to take the win. I was extremely happy to end my high school career being a state champion” Anavia said. While her classmates crossed the stage to receive their diplomas, Anavia was crossing the finish line as a state champion.
Retiree health care stipend plan approved
A health plan was approved 4-2 by City Council on April 18 to provide City of Wayne retirees with a stipend for health care while reducing city spending. Pre-65 retirees would receive $241.50 per month if single, $508 couple, or $695.50 for family to put toward a health plan. Post-65 retirees would receive $128.50 to put toward a health plan. This is expected to reduce deficit spending by $465,723. This plan will start July 1 with the new City of Wayne fiscal calendar.
The Wayne Bicycle Club will be hosting a DIA Inside/Out Display Ride on Thursday, June 8, at 7:00 p.m. All interested bike riders will meet at the State Wayne Theater for the beginning of the proposed 4-mile bike ride. The State Wayne features “Cotopax.” The ride will take participants down to Icon Computer Solutions to see “Colonel Montressor,” around to The Avenue for “Syria by the Sea,” the Wayne Historical Museum for “Fourteenth Street at Sixth Avenue,” over to the Wayne Public Library for “Irises and Calla Lilies,” then down to the new Derby’s Alley Pocket Park for “Eros Triumphant,” “Tiled Niche,” and “Princess Sophia.” The ride will then head over toward Helium Studios to see “Annunciatory Angel,” circle around to City Hall/Goudy Park for “The Fisherman’s Wedding” and end back at the State Wayne Theater. A volunteer docent from the DIA will present information on each of the paintings along the way.
Come join a community walk on Saturday, June 17, at 10:00 a.m. Bring your family, friends and neighbors to Attwood Park for the 1.5 mile walk being sponsored by Wayne-Westland Community Schools, Healthy Wayne and the City of Wayne. Strollers and wagons are welcome at this event.
The American Heart Association recommends people walk at least 30 minutes each day. There is no registration fee but a donation to the Family Resource Center is being encouraged. Items needed include toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, sanitary items, deodorant, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, hand sanitizer, hairbrushes/combs, chapstick, body wash, laundry detergent, new socks, new underwear, new winter hats/gloves/mittens-/scarves, new sweatpants (kid’s sizes small and medium), and gas cards for families in need ($25 and under). Water will be provided to walkers. Healthy Wayne will be raffling off a Fitbit at the end of the walk (must be present to win.)
Wayne Main Street has created a Scavenger Hunt that encourages participants to visit all 10 art exhibits from the DIA Inside/Out program that are throughout the downtown area. Those who complete the Hunt could be entered in a drawing to win some exciting prizes. Created by Rachel Lessard, the map has a question about each piece of art that must be answered. You then need to unscramble the highlighted letters to determine the puzzle answer. Entries then need to be dropped off at either Wayne Main Street/Wayne Historical Museum (if closed, you can drop through the mail slot at the side door) or Helium Studio during business hours. You can download and print a copy of the Scavenger Hunt at https://waynemainstreet.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/inside-out-wayne-scavenger-hunt-map.pdf or find one at Helium Studios, City Hall or the Wayne Public Library. Instructions and rules are on the Scavenger Hunt map along with coupons that can be used at select downtown Wayne businesses.
The first annual chili cook-off will be held at HYPE Recreation Center on October 21 from 4-7:00 p.m. Do you make a great batch of chili and/or cornbread? If so, plan to enter this contest. It is $10 to enter in either the Chili Only or the Chili and Cornbread category. It is $5 to enter in the Cornbread Only category. Awards planned to be given are for best overall, people’s choice, most creative ingredients, best veggie-/vegan, best wild game chili and best fire house chili. Individual tickets will be $3 or $12 per family. Each participating chili cooker will have sample bowls at their station that attendees will be able to eat. There will be different firehouses from surrounding cities competing for the best firehouse chili. For more information or to enter, contact Lenny or Christi Powell at (734) 502-5603.
Wayne Main Street will be hosting a Food Truck and Fun Day on Saturday, June 24, from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at Derby’s Alley (34824 Michigan Avenue West). Activities planned include food trucks, face painting, chalk drawing, cornhole boards and amplified music (noon-3:00 p.m.). This is a great opportunity for families and community members to visit downtown Wayne. Contact Wayne Main Street for more information at (734) 629-6822.
There are three more household hazardous waste collection events being held this year in Wayne County. The next one will be June 10 at Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn. There will also be one August 12 at the Westland Shopping Center and one October 7 at Wayne County Community College-Downriver Campus in Taylor. This is your opportunity to get rid of your unwanted household chemicals, cleaning products, automotive fluids, paints and stains, and old electronics to be properly disposed of for free. They will also be collecting lawn products, fluorescent light bulbs and pharmaceutical waste. For a complete list of acceptable items, please visit www.WayneCounty.com.
Join the Wayne Sometimes Travelers as they head out on their next bus trip Wednesday, July 12. They will be visiting Cranbrook House and Gardens in Bloomfield Hills to see some of what the over 40 acres holds, including formal, woodland and naturalistic gardens. Next will be the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham where lunch and tea is included in the trip price.
Everyone will get a scone, five finger sandwiches (one of each kind) and four miniature pastries along with tea or coffee. The final stop will be Henry’s Farm Market/Greenhouse in West Bloomfield where there will be a tour and then shopping. The trip will leave from the Westland Friendship Center at 8:30 a.m. and return at 6:30 p.m. Trip is $89. For more information or to sign up, call the Wayne Senior Services office at (734) 721-7460.
The Wayne Sometimes Travelers will take a trip to Wyandotte during their Remember When…bus trip on Wednesday, August 16. They will start with a lunch at Smokies Restaurant and Bar where you will have a choice between three restaurant favorites along with two side dishes, dessert and a beverage. After lunch, take a two-hour narrated cruise on the Diamond Jack River Cruise where cruisers will see the new, exclusive community of waterfront mansions, accessible only by ferry, that now dot Bob-Lo Island. Other sites of interest that you’ll cruise by include Calvert Canada Distillery, Fort Malden, Kings Navy Yard Park, Stony Island, Livingstone Channel and the Grosse Ile Lighthouse. After the cruise, there will be time for shopping in downtown Wyandotte. This trip is $74. For more information or to sign up, call the Wayne Senior Services office at (734) 721-7460.
On April 20, a male subject walked to the Michigan Avenue overpass with the intention of committing suicide. Ian Klosner followed the subject to the overpass and observed the subject place an extension cord around his neck. Christopher Chupa went up to the railroad tracks to assist Klosner. Chupa was able to distract the subject while Klosner was able to tackle the subject to the ground. Steven Chase, upon learning of the incident, instructed his wife to call 911 and climbed the embankment in case assistance was needed. He also assisted police officers in getting up the steep hill. Their actions saved this man’s life and were commended by the Wayne Police Department with a Life Saving Award at the May 16 city council meeting.
On May 16, the City Council approved the redevelopment of the Beydoun/Save-a-lot site on Michigan Avenue W. The 24,427 square foot building will have façade alterations done and will create leasable space downtown. The planning commission is requiring that some deferred general maintenance be done including the removal of tree limbs and brush on the lot, repair of the privacy fence at the rear of the building and the removal of old fence posts, scraping all loose paint on the building, light poles and signs and painting them, removing the Salvation Army parking signs, replacing the “fire lane” signs, sealcoating and striping the parking lot, replacing the boarded up windows and repairing the lighting on the front façade.

On Thursday, May 18, 2017, a student coordinated voter registration drive took place at Wayne Memorial High School. Led by students from the Champions Program and Mr. McGovern, World History Teacher at WMHS. Matthew Miller, Wayne City Clerk, and Richard LeBlanc, Westland City Clerk, registered over 80 students. The City of Wayne registered 31 new voters, Westland registered 26 new voters and the remainder were sent to the appropriate City Clerk where the student resides.
Join the Wayne Sometimes Travelers as they venture on a trip Friday, June 23, to Lenawee. The trip, departing from the Westland Friendship Center at 7:30 a.m., will take you to 755-acre arboretum and botanical garden, Hidden Lake Gardens in the Irish Hills for a narrated tour, lunch at JR’s Hometown Grill and Pub (9-oz sirloin steak, pan-fried tilapia or pineapple bourbon chicken), free time shopping in Tecumseh, a tour of Cabela’s-World Foremost Outfitter (along with shopping), and a stop at Russell Stover Candies for an ice cream sundae. The bus will return at 6:30 p.m. Cost of the trip is $69. For reservations and information, contact the Wayne Senior Services Office at (734) 721-7460.
Opioid addiction is on the rise and affects more than just those who are addicted. The Westland Police Department would like the public to know about the Families Against Narcotics (FAN) chapter that has been formed in Wayne County. FAN is dedicated to eliminating the stigma associated with addiction and providing families struggling with the disease the support and resources they need.
Meetings of the Wayne County FAN chapter are the first Monday of the month 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.at LifeChurch Annex located at 6900 N. Haggerty Rd. in Canton. These meetings are open and free to the public. If you need help, please take advantage of this free program. For more information, please visit www.familiesagainstnarcotics.org.
The Wayne Masonic Temple is hosting a Charity Car Show on Saturday, June 10, at the lodge located at 37137 Palmer Rd in Westland. The event is 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Anyone who has a car they would like to show off is welcome to participate; a classic car is not required. The fee will be $15 to park and show-off your car; you will also receive a goodie bag. All you have to do is show up that morning, pay the fee, park and enjoy the day sharing your car with others. For those who like to admire cars, admission is free to walk around and talk to car owners. Parking for viewers will be across the street. Proceeds from the event will go toward programs for the Demolays and Rainbows, the youth groups of the Masons.
Wayne Rotary is bringing Steve King and the Dittilies to Goudy Park on Friday, July 14, for a family concert in celebration of Wayne’s Downtown Days and sidewalk sales. Mark your calendar now to remind yourself to come out and support these local events.
The Wayne Neighborhood Watch group continues to patrol the neighborhoods of Wayne as a deterrent to crime. Recently, neighborhood patroller Vern Amos, a proud 45-year resident of Wayne, was able to help Wayne police by locating an elderly woman who had wandered away from a care home. If you would like to become a patrol member or donate coffee or gas gift cards or cash to help with gas, please see Brian at Icon Computers. Vern advises all residents that “if you see something, say something.”
The Wayne Memorial High School Class of 1967 will be holding their 50-year class reunion on August 26 at Fellows Creek Golf Course in Wayne. Contact Sue Egbert at (248) 910-4980 or by email at s.egbert67@att.net with your name and address information. If you have address information for any of your classmates, please give that to Sue also. The Reunion Committee includes Sue Egbert, Vicki Porter, Bob Vickers, Bev (Johnston) Fuller, Dick Martin, Chris (Sadley) Baron and Mallory (Masterson) Newton.