October 2015 News Briefs

Halloween Spirit – Wayne resident Larry Reid helps neighbors get ready for a festive Halloween. Larry has decorated his yard at 33600 Gertrude in Wayne to set the stage for ghosts, goblins and trick-or-treat fun. Stop by and enjoy one of the best Halloween displays in town.
City Hall is Coming Home
City offices will be back at City Hall on Wayne Rd beginning at 10am on Tuesday, October 6. Please note that the city council meetings will continue to be held at the WABC building until further notice.
On Wednesday, October 7, from 6:30 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. you can meet the candidates running for mayor and city council at the Wayne Public Library. You will be able to submit questions to the candidates. You can also submit questions by emailing lwvmail@yahoo.com.
Mayoral candidates are scheduled to be available 6:30-7:05 p.m. and the council candidates will be available 7:10-7:50 p.m.
CLA Estate Services is hosting a free Estate Planning Workshop Tuesday, October 6, from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Joy Manor Banquets and Catering (28999 Joy Rd, Westland). Attendees will receive a free workbook and information on wills and trusts, how to avoid probate, long-term health care concerns, and tax reduction planning. Please call 1-866-252-8721 to RSVP or for more information.
The Wayne Historical Society will present “The Wayne Inter-Urban to Plymouth and Northville” by Richard Andrews aka George Pierrot on Thursday, October 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the Wayne Historical Museum.
The pool is now open at HYPE Recreation Center of Western Wayne (the old community center). Pool hours are Monday through Friday 6 a.m.-11 a.m. and 4 p.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Call 734-721-7400 for prices.
Fall is here and the Wayne Farmer’s Market is held every Wednesday in Goudy Park is taking advantage of that. October 14 will be the Fall Fest. Plans include bobbing for apples and having cider, pumpkins and mums for sale along with the usual items offered. Wayne Main Street will be hosting their Scarecrow Reception that day.
Bring the kids for the annual Halloween Costume Contest on October 28. There will be trophy’s for the winners in two age groups: 7 & under and ages 8-14. Check in for the contest is at 3-5 p.m. The contest will be held at 5 p.m. For more information, follow the Wayne Farmer’s Market on Facebook.
The Wayne Memorial High School Homecoming is Friday, October 16. The Parade will start at 6 p.m. with the Football Game following at 7 p.m.
Onika Fields, the driver who allegedly was fleeing a hit-and-run crash at the intersection of Middlebelt and Van Born roads and then caused another accident at Merriman and Van Born roads resulting in a death back in August, waived her right to a preliminary exam before Judge Laura R. Mack in 29th District Court. Her case has been turned over to Wayne County Circuit Court. She will be arraigned on October 7, at 9 a.m. at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice in Detroit.
According to the Michigan State Police “2010 Michigan Traffic Crash Facts”, more fatal crashes occur between 3:00 and 5:59 p.m. than any other time period, more occur on Friday than any other day and more occur in August than any other month.
Please join Wayne Main Street and the Michigan Main Street Center for an evening of training on volunteer development. If your organization wants valuable tips for effective volunteer recruitment and retention, this training is for you! Training will also cover issues like volunteer job descriptions, liability release forms, cultivating a good volunteer, dealing with problem volunteers and more. Feel free to share this information with anyone you know who would be interested. It will be held Tuesday, October 13, from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. at the Wayne Fire Station community room. All are welcome.
Join the Wayne Public Library and The Wayne Historical Society as they present “The History of Mulholland’s Dry Goods” on Wednesday, October 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the Wayne library.
Many long-time Wayne residents remember Mulholland’s department store, a fixture in the community for decades. Mathew Mulholland, whose grandfather William opened Mulholland’s Dry Goods store in 1919, presents a history of this venerable local institution.
Help take back the World Record for the Most Rosie the Riveters on Saturday, October 24, at Willow Run in Ypsilanti. The Rockin’ Rosies of Richmond, California beat Willow Run’s original record of 776 Rosies by gathering 1,084 Rosies in August, 2015. Doors open at 10am. Check-in tables close at 1 p.m. Fun activities and entertainment will be provided from opening time until photo Staging Call at 1:30 p.m. The Official World Record photo will be taken at 2 p.m. If you wish to participate, go to http://www.savethebomberplant-.org/rosie-world-record/#flyer to sign up. You will be asked to pre-register and print out and sign a waiver form to bring with you to the event. The website has the costume guidelines you must follow to be counted as a Rosie. It is suggested you shop early as items might be harder to find closer to the event date. It is also recommended that you arrive by noon or earlier to allow time for check-in procedures.
The Westland Jaycees are ready to work with local civic groups to do whatever is needed. They are willing to help clean parks and help in the community. The Westland Jaycees build leaders. They already do a Veterans Day 5K in Westland. They appeared at a recent Wayne City Council meeting to introduce themselves and their willingness to support and be involved in Wayne.
Seventy six volunteers were involved with the annual Friends, People Helping People event on September 12. The volunteers helped paint a senior’s home. Al Damitio reported that the home now looks fantastic.