(734) 641-6550

Early history in Wayne

The area in what is now Wayne was covered by at least six different glaciers over the past million years, with the last glacier melting about 12,500 years ago. Interestingly the great lakes used to be much larger at that time and the shoreline was actually at Wayne. Evidence...

Wayne in the beginning

By Darlene Hawley – Get ready to enjoy downtown Wayne!! “ Main Street” and other local organizations are busy planning and preparing for a multitude of activities and programs for young and old in our community July 13, 14 and 15th. Wayne’s Downtown Days and Car...

Out of our past

  By Darlene Hawley – In today’s world, it’s hard to imagine the horse and buggy as the primary mode of transportation for people in our community.  But, that was true in the early days of our little village of Wayne (first called Derby’s Corner soon after Ezra Derby...