Walk for your health

Juanita Davis is the latest winner of the Healthy Wayne Walking Club quarterly Fitbit drawing with Jose Kottoor, Vice President of Beaumont Wayne.
Healthy Wayne, the community group that supports healthy lifestyles, is gearing up for their 3rd annual Healthy Wayne Community Walk which will take place on Wednesday, April 25. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. in the Goudy Park Amphitheater behind City Hall, 3355 S. Wayne Rd. The walk will begin at Noon.
Come join Wayne Mayor Susan Rowe, local business leaders and community members for the ¾ mile walk. Bottled water and light snacks will be provided. There will be a drawing for a free Fitbit. Come dressed for the weather and wear comfortable shoes.
In the case of severe weather, call HYPE Recreation Center for cancellation confirmation at (734) 721-7400 and press 2 for the new date to walk. Severe weather notice will be given by 9:00 a.m. on the day of the walk.
During the month of April, the American Heart Association is encouraging Americans to move more and more and commit to being physically active.
If you don’t want to come alone, bring a co-worker, a neighbor or a friend. If you arrive by 11:45, you can warm up with Certified Yoga instructor Dominique Theophilus from Lifetime Fitness Center of Canton.