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WMHS’s Lyman Derrick III claims Division 1 title

Division 1 MHSAA Individual Bowling Champion Lyman Derrick III.

By Sarah Shurge – Congratulations to Lyman Derrick III on being crowned champion at the Division 1 MHSAA individuals bowling tournament on Saturday, March 1st, at Thunderbowl Lanes.
Derrick is a Wayne Memorial sophomore and one of only three underclassmen to make the top 16 for match play, and the only one to make it to the Final Four.
Derrick finished 4th at Regionals the weekend before qualifying for States.
On Saturday, Derrick shot 227, 227, 225, 183, 247, 230, averaging 223 for the six-game qualifying block. He qualified 5th in the top 16 to make it to match play.
“He was absolutely locked-in,” said Christine Day, Wayne Memorial Bowling Coach.
Derrick beat the reigning 2024 State Champ twice, shooting 257 and 233 to beat him both games by a total of 46 pins.
“Lyman was so focused on his bowling and making good shots that he didn’t even know that he had won the final match,” said Day. “When he finished his last frame (not realizing he had beat him by 45 pins the first game), he thought it was close and came up to me and asked ‘so, did I win? Or did I lose?’ I had to quietly tell him the good news as his opponent threw his last shots.”
When the game was over, Derrick was finally able to celebrate and his teammates (who had come out to watch him) all lifted him up and cheered for him.
“The team was skilled and supportive of each other this season, but they really grew together in the last couple months,” said Day. “They won the Conference tournament the week before and never gave up when they qualified at Regionals. We fell short in the semi-finals but not for a lack of team effort. They absolutely belonged amongst the best in the State.”
This is Day’s 10th year coaching Wayne Memorial bowling. Her first four years were with just the girls, and the last six years have been both boys and girls Varsity and JV programs.
“I’ve had a great group of kids who represent the school well on and off the lanes, and many who continue to do so years later,” said Day. “I have kept in contact with the 2023 State Champs team, and they were happy to come out and visit with this year’s team when I asked them to. Those same champions came out to support this year’s team over the weekend.”
Congratulations again to Derrick on his victory!

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