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Lenny Powell and family get things done

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       vendors who stay during the concert
             April  is  National  Volunteer                                                                       selling their wares and refreshments
          Month. Although there are many res-                                                                     thanks to the hard work of Lenny.
          idents  throughout  Wayne  who  give                                                                       Not everything they do is organ-
          freely of their time to various organi-                                                                 ized  by  themselves.  Lenny  and
          zations and activities, one resident                                                                    Christi  have  also  volunteered  with
          has stood out recently.                                                                                 Wayne  Main  Street.  Last  fall,  they
             Although Lenny Powell grew up in                                                                     helped  at  a  poker  tournament
          Westland, he did attend and gradu-                                                                      fundraiser.  “We  had  so  much  fun
          ate  from  Wayne  Memorial  High                                                                        doing it,” says Christi.
          School. Since 2010, Lenny and his                                                                          Christi is on Wayne’s Parks and
          wife, Christi, have lived in Wayne.                                                                     Trails Committee. She is in charge of
             Tired  of  the  negativity  that                                                                     Taft, Forest and Rotary II parks.
          seemed to permeate the city, they de-                                                                      Lenny plans on donating a corn
          cided  that  if  there  was  something                                                                  hole board to the fire department for
          they didn’t like, they were going to                                                                    their charity BBQ in June. “I can’t
          change it. They began with organiz-                                                                     say  enough  about  the  fire  depart-
          ing vendor shows at HYPE Athletics                                                                      ment,”  he  says.  Christi  adds,  “We
          Western  Wayne  about  three  years                                                                     have  the  best  fire  department
          ago.  They  did  approximately  six                                                                     around, honestly.”
          shows, starting with 8 vendors, grow-                                                                      Their advice to others thinking of
          ing each time until they had to move                                                                    volunteering?    “Try  anything  you
          the event to the basketball courts to                   The Powell’s, Christi (wife), Felicia (daughter) and Lenny.   want and get involved with others,”
          accommodate 52 vendors. They are                                                                        recommends Lenny. Says Christi, “If
          not currently doing the shows due to  He said Firefighter Jason Reeves is a  individual  marshmallows  donated  there’s something you like, it doesn’t
          health reasons.                    caterer and helped cook items. The  by Fresh Choice so the event could  matter what it is, get out there and
             Last fall, Lenny set up a raffle of  event was so successful, they were  continue.                   do it. Get involved with Wayne Main
          a  corn  hole  set  with  the  proceeds  asked to do a Christmas dinner that  He was instrumental in the Hal-  Street if you don’t want to be in the
          going toward making Thanksgiving   was attended by about 125 residents.  loween  Walk  starting  in  2017.  He  public eye. Just do it. Be the change.”
          baskets for the schools. People do-  Lenny says Wayne Towers has 152  was able to find businesses and indi-  Lenny continues, “If you see some-
          nated  so  many  turkeys  and  other  units.  Lenny  and  Christi  are  cur-  viduals willing to donate 6-10 bags  thing wrong, change it. Just get in-
          food items to use.                 rently  collecting  donations  for  an  of candy, or more, to give out to kids.  volved. You don’t have to go through
             During this time, Lenny was con-  Easter dinner being held on April 20.  That event drew more people than  hoops. I don’t do it for credit. I do it
          tacted by a lady who lived at Wayne   Lenny  has  done  restaurant    was ever expected.                to make a change.” He speaks about
          Tower;  the  activities  director  had  fundraisers for the police and fire de-  Because a resident asked for it,  how he doesn’t always know who to
          just left; she was wondering if there  partments. $300 that was raised for  Lenny  found  someone  to  come  to  call or what to do, but he gets on the
          was anything Lenny could do to help  the police department was matched  Wayne  and  speak  for  an  Autism  phone and just starts. “You learn by
          at the Towers.                     twice: once by City Manager Lisa No-  Awareness Forum held last month at  trying things,” he says.
             That contact led to the organiza-  cerini  and  once  by  resident  Vern  HYPE.  Christi  says  she  went  to  “People  need  to  get  involved.  If
          tion of a Thanksgiving meal for the  Amos.                            school  for  social  work  and  was  a  you  see  something  you  want  to
          residents at Wayne Towers. 85 resi-   In 2017, there was not going to be  para-pro in Wayne-Westland schools.  change, get involved and change it.”
          dents showed up to dine on the fine  a Marshmallow Drop in Wayne be-  She worked with autistic kids in the  If you would like to speak with
          food that was donated by community  cause there was no longer a sponsor  elementary schools and has friends  Lenny  about  an  idea,  you  can  call
          members.  Lenny  says  firefighters  to help fund it. Through Mayor John  with autistic children.       him at (734) 776-6519 or email him
          helped cook turkeys at the fire sta-  Rhaesa  and  Mayor  Pro  Tem  Tom  The  summer  Concerts  in  the  at
          tion and then brought the food over.  Porter, Lenny was able to get 15000  Park event at Goudy Park has had  He says he will help anyway he can.

          12 · April 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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