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Cycling in Wayne
By Carolyn Marnon Bikes have been donated to other
May is National Bike Month and charitable organizations in the past.
exciting things are happening or “Brightmoor Maker space is unique
have happened in Wayne that involve in that they are able to take ALL of
bicycling. our bicycles and put them to good
The Wayne Police Department use,” says Chief Strong.
has been working with Brightmoor Chief Strong shared several tips
Maker space, a charity that teaches to increase the probability that your
young people to improve their mak- bicycle will be returned if it goes
ing skills, for some time. Represen- missing. First, always lock your bicy-
tatives from Brightmoor recently cle. Second, don’t leave it sitting in
came to the police department to col- your front yard. Record the serial
lect abandoned bicycles that had number and provide the number to
been piling up. the police if your bike is ever stolen.
The police department makes The police department holds onto
every effort to locate the owners of bikes for six months before they are
the bikes, but it is not always suc- disposed of.
cessful. Rather than putting the Wayne has a bicycle club! The
bikes in the dumpster, property Wayne Bicycle Club season opening
room supervisor Lt. Schmidtke ride will be Thursday, May 9, at 7:00
arranged for the donations. Police p.m. Bring your bike and meet at the
Chief Ryan Strong says, “They will front of the State Wayne Theatre. The Lt. Schmidtke arranged to have the bicycles donated to Brightmoor Maker Space.
also take bicycles in any condition club rides are every Thursday, information about rides. All are in- weather on your bicycle, be sure to
since they are able to fix the bicycles weather permitting, at 7:00 p.m. and vited to ride for as long as they are notice various locations throughout
at their facility This allows every bi- meet outside the theatre. The club able. downtown where bicycle racks and
cycle to be put to good use.” has a Facebook page with up-to-date While you are enjoying the spring hitches have been installed.
10 · May 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch