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Wayne Memorial alumni wins big on the track
By Carolyn Marnon a good atmosphere before competi-
Anavia Battle, a recent graduate tion or when I step on the track, I
of Wayne Memorial High School, is often get pep talks from my coaches
accomplishing great things in track and teammates to keep my head fo-
and field at Ohio State University. Al- cused and encouraged to win or just
though we were not able to talk be- run at my best ability.
cause of her busy collegiate schedule,
Anavia answered some questions via What it was like to
email about her success. win the 200 this year?
To win the indoor Big Ten title
It is my understanding you this year was a great moment for me.
recently won the Big 10 title in After the race was finished I looked
the women's 200 meter in at the clock and burst out in tears
Ann Arbor. Is that correct? because I did what I came to do
Also, that you received silver in which was win but doing that I be-
the 200m last year at the Big 10? came number one in the world,
Was this indoor or outdoor track? broke the school record, obtained
Yes, you are correct. I won the the Big Ten conference indoor 200m
200m indoor Big Ten Title in 22.80 record and PR’d. It was a magical
seconds. Last year, at the 2018 out- moment for me; it was my first indi-
door Big Ten Championship, I re- vidual championship.
ceived silver in the 200m clocking in
at 22.94. I have heard you want to run
in the Olympics. Is this true?
Are you a sophomore at Ohio The Olympics is something I
State majoring in Health would love to be a part of. To do this
Professions? What made you it mostly depends on training and
choose this major? taking care of your body. Going to
Coming into college I wanted to practice every day and reminding
be in the field of Health Professions yourself why you need to work hard
and later on become an OB-GYN, but is something I always do, because I
I’ve changed my major to EHE or wanna see my goals and dreams
Early Childhood Development, to be- come to life, so I practice with heart
come a kindergarten teacher once I and being ready to work every day.
graduate from The Ohio State Uni-
versity. What are your running
goals for the future?
You were track MVP three years My running goals for the future
in a row at Wayne Memorial? Anavia Battle, a Wayne Memorial High School Alumni and track and field star at would be to win Nationals or be in
Yes, this is true. After freshman Ohio State University is a Big Ten Division I Champion. the top three on the podium.
year, I received Most Valuable Player After college go pro.
award every year after that. I hold able to represent yourself and the 100m and 200m really well.
the relay records and individual brand in appropriate manner and What is the biggest race
sprint event records (100m, 200m) with respect, also be a coachable ath- Is your favorite thrill in track you have won and why?
there at WMHS. lete, and to do all the right things still coming around the curve dur- So far I would say the biggest
even when no one is looking. ing the 200m? If not, what is? race I’ve won would be this past in-
Do you want to run professionally That is correct! I live for the door season Big Ten 200m. Best ex-
after graduating from college? What has been the biggest dif- turn! Off the track I would say my perience!
What does professional ference/change for you running in thrill is being able to be around such
running entail? high school vs. college?
I would like to continue my track The biggest difference for me run-
career professionally after college, ning is the difference in competition
and it if it happens sooner than ex- and training. I’m running against top
pected then so be it. But being a pro- athletes everywhere I perform and
fessional athlete is similar to being with training it’s what most of my
under any other pro team (NBA, time is held by other than school.
NHL, NFL). You’re chosen by a brand
to represent (Nike, Adidas, Puma, Are (4x100, 100 and 200) the
Asics, Brooks etc.) to compete for on only events you compete in?
the track. In order for a track athlete I compete in almost every sprint
to become a professional of course (4x400, 100, 200, 400) but I’m
they must have fast times but also be mostly known for and execute the Battle competes at the University of Michigan indoor track. Photo by Peter Draugalis
The Wayne Dispatch · May 2019 · 3