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“Have Gavel, Will Travel” justice comes to town

          By Carolyn Marnon
             “Have  Gavel,  Will  Travel”  found
          Michigan  Supreme  Court  Justice
          Elizabeth T. Clement travelling from
          her home in East Lansing to the 29th
          District Court in Wayne August 14
          and 15 to interact with people at the
          lower court level.
             The new initiative “is focused on
          increasing engagement with the com-
          munity  so  that  public  trust  in  our
          courts  is  supported  by  increased
          awareness  and  understanding  of
          local issues and concerns,” reads the
          Michigan Supreme Court Resolution
          in 29th District Court Judge Laura
          Mack’s  office.  The  Wayne  court  is
          one of the first courts in the state to
          participate in the program amongst
          the  242  trial  courts  in  Michigan.  Michigan Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth T. Clement with 29th District Court Judge Laura Mack and her 29th District Court
          This special program was started be- staff.
          cause justices at the Supreme Court  again sat with Judge Mack. She was  called  it  to  determine  if  there  was  trict court in action.  I believe this is
          level only interact with attorneys on  able  to  handle  several  cases  and  anything unique or more appropri-  the  first  time  Michigan  Supreme
          cases, not the people involved. Two  make decisions on those cases. They  ate for her to handle. For example,  Court Justices have done this.  I feel
          of Justice Clement’s colleagues were  involved  arraignments,  pleas,  and  there were some cases that involved  honored that our court, in our city,
          also  disbursed  to  other  courts  sentencing where there was an agree-  city ordinances that I was unfamiliar  was chosen, and I think the people
          across the state at this time to partic-  ment with the prosecutor.   with or cases where there has been  that came to court on those days felt
          ipate in the travelling gavel program.  “I was incredibly impressed with  a longer history. Judge Mack knew  honored as well. Some of the people
             “The  three  Justices  have  never  the work that Judge Mack and her  the background and details of those,  thanked Justice Clement.”
          served as trial court judges, so the  team  are  doing  with  the  Mental  and it made more sense for her to  “Our Justices care about the trial
          experience will be invaluable to un-  Health  Court,”  she  wrote  in  her  handle  that  case.  I  heard  and  de-  court judges. They want to truly un-
          derstand  the  day-to-day  concerns  email. “I have had the opportunity to  cided cases that involved plea deals  derstand what we do, our challenges
          judges see in their courtrooms, and  visit  many  of  our  mental  health  or were dismissals and was able to  and  triumphs,  and  how  they  can
          to appreciate the critical work that is  courts around the state and under-  sit on those cases myself. After hav-  help  us,”  continues  Judge  Mack.
          being  done  in  courtrooms  from  stand the difficulty working with par-  ing spent two full days with Judge  “More importantly, the Justices care
          Wayne County to Kent County to Mar-  ticipants.  It  requires  passion  and  Mack, I gained a better appreciation  about the people who come to court
          quette. ‘We are so pleased that the  dedication from the judge and the en-  for the district court docket that she  to  resolve  disputes  or  answer  to
          Justices are going to courts across  tire treatment team, and it was very  sees on a regular basis.”    criminal charges. They want to en-
          the state to spend time meeting peo-  clear to me that the success of Judge  Judge  Mack  was  thrilled  to  be  sure that courts are treating people
          ple, learning firsthand about how de-  Mack’s court is attributable to the  part  of  the  program.  “Trial  court  as they deserve to be treated: with
          cisions  are  made,  and  helping  amazing team she has in place. Prob-  judges  look  up  to  Supreme  Court  dignity and respect, and that their
          families  facing  difficult  life  deci-  lem-solving courts are not required  Justices. They represent the highest  cases  are  treated  competently  and
          sions,’ said Chief Judge Burton,” in  and the judges that choose to offer a  rung on the justice ladder, and they  carefully.  This  program  reinforces
          a Michigan Supreme Court press re-  problem-solving court to the public  sometimes are called upon to correct  the notion that all the state courts in
          lease. Judge Freddie G. Burton, Jr.  take on a lot of additional work. It  our  legal  mistakes.  However,  be-  MIchigan represent ‘one court of jus-
          is the Wayne County Chief Probate  also provides an opportunity for the  cause of their lofty position as the  tice.’    Justice  Clement’s  visit  ener-
          Judge.                             judge and team to be more involved  head of the judicial branch, there is  gized and inspired me to do more in
             Judge Mack sat down with Jus-   in the cases. That is one of the main  a  perception  that  they  are  discon-  my court to make our justice system
          tice Clement at the end of the first  differences I personally saw between  nected  from  the  day-to-day  opera-  better.”
          day after they had sat next to each  the  first  day  and  the  second  day  tions  of  the  court.    When  the  The  two  women  met  while  at  a
          other on the bench and heard cases  when  we  handled  city  ordinance  Supreme Court reviews a case that  court leadership conference that was
          through the Mental Health Court in  cases. We were able to spend more  has been appealed from a trial court  held out of state several years ago
          the morning and landlord tenant is-  time  with  each  individual  during  like the 29th District Court, the Jus-  and became friends. Justice Clement
          sues in the afternoon. They reviewed  Mental  Health  Court  compared  to  tices  can  only  read  a  transcript  of  says she wanted to come to Wayne
          the Thursday docket together which  what  was  definitely  a  faster  paced  what was said at the trial. They don’t  because she’s passionate about men-
          involved  Traffic  Court.  “Most  mat-  more routine docket the second day.”  get  to  see  the  people  testify;  they  tal health and is a liaison in the men-
          ters,” said Judge Mack, “take about  “My experience with Judge Mack   don’t see their demeanor or their at-  tal health community. According to
          five minutes.” The two anti-govern-  really educated me on the quick pace  titude. You can get a completely dif-  the  Michigan  Supreme  Court  web-
          ment  cases  that  were  last  on  the  and  flow  of  cases  and  while  I  was  ferent ‘feel’ for a case if you see the  site, “She serves as the liaison to the
          docket would probably take longer.  comfortable and able to hear and de-  trial  in  person  versus  reading  the  188 Problem-Solving Courts in the
             Justice Clement emailed after the  cide certain cases, Judge Mack and  transcript. So this was a chance for
          Thursday court experience that she  I conferred on each case before we  a Justice to experience a typical dis-          See Gavel, page 6
                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · September 2019 · 3
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