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Ideas on things to do at home

          By Carolyn Marnon                  ceries.  It’s  harder  to  do  if  you  are  haps put a candy, small toy or even  velopes  with  markers  or  stickers
             You are stuck at home. You may  constrained by budgetary concerns  a “coupon” for the kids to use and  might  constitute  art.  They  might
          be  stuck  with  just  your  spouse.  or have a higher-risk health condi-  then wrap them up.  Place them in a  even  find  it  fun  if  they  got  a  deco-
          Maybe you are stuck with just your  tion that keeps you out of the stores.  basket and let the kids chose one per  rated letter in the mail addressed in
          children.  Oh  no!!!!  Maybe  you  are  This just might be the time to get cre-  day or once per week.   their  name  from  a  friend  or  loved
          stuck with a spouse AND children.  ative  and  see  what  you  can  make  If you have kids, you can gather  one.
          You could just be stuck at home all  with the items you already have in  any  empty  boxes  you  have  lying  • Have afternoon tea and if you
          alone. Now that you may have gotten  the home.                        around. You could even add in the  are  so  inclined,  wear  a  crown  or
          all those things done that you never  You  can  also  use  this  time  to  toilet paper rolls. Give the kids some  tiara.
          seemed to have time to do, what is  catch up on sleep.  It would be won-  markers and tape and see what they  •  Learn  the  favorite  recipes  of
          next?  What do you do now?         derful if our dedicated health care  can create.                     your family members and create a
             You could certainly curl up on the  workers, truck drivers, grocery store  Whether  you  have  kids  or  not,  family cookbook. This could become
          couch  and  read  a  book  or  two  or  employees  and  others  who  are  in  why not have a picnic in your living  an heirloom to pass down to future
          twenty.  Did you set a goal this year  critical job positions could get the  room?    Pack  a  picnic  basket  with  generations.
          to read a certain number of books?  sleep they want (and need). Remem-  fried chicken or sandwiches and all  • Learn a new hobby. If you have
          This might be the time to get them  ber  when  you  thought  it  would  be  the fixings. Don’t forget the drinks!  a computer, there are many free les-
          all  read!    If  you  have  children,  it  nice to take a nap in the middle of  Put  a  blanket  on  the  living  room  sons  on  painting,  drawing,  jewelry
          might be helpful to designate a cer-  the afternoon?  Now you can proba-  floor, read a book, watch a movie or  making, graphic design, hand letter-
          tain time frame during the day where  bly do it! Unless you have young kids  just sit and chat (but it might be best  ing (might be good for kids to prac-
          everyone  grabs  a  book  (magazine,  at home. For some reason, they just  if you only chat if you have someone  tice  writing  skills  in  a  new  way),
          comic  book,  graphic  novel)  and  don’t see the usefulness of a nap dur-  dining  with  you).  If  you  have  kids,  quilting, woodworking, etc.
          reads.                             ing the day.                       perhaps  consider  letting  them     •  Learn  some  new  computer
             You might have finished watching   So you’ve read all the books, saw  choose where to hold the picnic in  skills  --  Many  people  are  learning
          all  those  shows  you  had  saved  on  all the TV shows and movies, cooked  the house.                 how to use Zoom (a video conferenc-
          your  TV.  You  might  have  already  and  baked  until  your  clothes  feel  How  else  can  you  spend  your  ing software) to communicate. I re-
          binge-watched all those shows that  snug  (because  of  course  you  ate  time?  Remember a time when you  member when ZOOM meant “Come
          people are currently talking about --  everything you made) and you just  wanted  to  do  something  but  you  on give it a try/We’re gonna show you
          Tiger  King  on  Netflix  seems  to  be  can’t take another nap. What do you  never had the time?  Maybe now you  why/We’re  gonna  teach  you  to  fly
          coming up in lots of conversations.  do now?                          do have that time. Do it.         high/Come on and Zoom! Come on
          There  is  also  HBO’s  Game  of      There  has  got  to  be  something  There are lots of ideas:      and Zoom Zoom!” The lyrics of that
          Thrones  and  Amazon  Prime’s      you can do with all those toilet paper  • Learn some yoga pose.      1970s TV show really seem to have
          Fleabag.  Let’s  not  forget  some  fa-  rolls you have now accumulated. You  • Look at and label old photos  been  onto  something.  Maybe  you
          vorite shows like Friends, Parks and  could put them upright in a small  and maybe even get them in a photo  have wanted to learn to Twitter, Insta-
          Rec, The Office, and other happy up-  box,  fill  them  with  dirt  and  plant  album.                  gram, Tik Tok, YouTube, Snap Chat
          lifting comedies.                  seeds in them. After they sprout and  • Start a gratitude journal listing  or  whatever  else  your  children  or
             Some people have taken to cook-  there is no threat of frost, you can  all  the  things  you  are  grateful  for  grandchildren  are  doing  on  social
          ing  more.  They  can  try  out  those  just dig a hole in your garden and  each day.                   media. Now just might be the time to
          recipes they’ve been saving for the  plant  them,  toilet  roll  and  all.  • Write old-fashioned letters and  learn. Whatever you choose to do to
          right  occasion.  This  works  if  you  There’s probably a home-schooling  cards. Kids could have fun with this  pass this time, please stay home and
          have the ingredients in your kitchen  lesson in doing that. You could also  as  they  would  be  practicing  their  stay safe. Not just for your safety, but
          or are able to “safely” pick up gro-  turn them into party poppers. Per-  writing  skills.  Decorating  the  en-  for the safety of all of us!
          Free breakfast and lunch for children

             Wayne-Westland     Community                                                                            NOTE: If meals are available, you
          Schools has been providing access to                                                                    will enter at the driveway on the west
          free breakfast and lunch for all stu-                                                                   end of the Board of Education office
          dents  up  to  18  years  old  and  stu-                                                                on Marquette. The main entrance at
          dents  age  18-26  in  the  adult                                                                       John  Glenn  High  School  will  be
          transitional  program.  Families  are                                                                   closed. The line will wrap around be-
          welcome  to  pick  up  meals  on  the                                                                   hind  the  William  D.  Ford  Career-
          scheduled  Monday  dates.  A  5-day                                                                     Technical Center and up to the front
          supply of breakfast and lunch has                                                                       entrance of John Glenn High School.
          been handed out in the 3 previous                                                                       Volunteers will bring the food to the
          weeks.                                                                                                  vehicle. Meals distributed will follow
             Meal  pick  up  time  has  been                                                                      USDA reimbursable meal guidelines.
          10:00  a.m.  through  1:00  p.m.  at  Wayne-Westland Community Schools drive-thru food distributions passed out over  Additional food resources can be
          John  Glenn  High  School,  36105  2,200 breakfasts and 2,200 lunches to children at John Glenn High School.   found  at  or
          Marquette, Westland.  This has been                                                           
          a drive-thru distribution. Students  lies to obtain meals.            or visit their website for any recent  ding  where  families  can  search  by
          do not need to be present for fami-   Please contact the school district  updates and new distribution dates.  zip code and distance.
                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · April 2020 · 9
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