Page 13 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Phoenix Theatres announces re-open plan

             Phoenix Theatres’ humble begin-                                                                      “The cinema has always been a way
          nings took root in the late summer                                                                      for people to escape reality for a few
          of  2000,  and  in  the  two  decades                                                                   hours. It is our job now more than
          since  they  have  risen  above  more                                                                   ever to provide this experience to our
          than their fair share of difficult chal-                                                                guests while keeping them safe.”
          lenges  that  are  typical  to  a  small                                                                   To  view  Phoenix  Theatres  re-
          business.  However,  none  of  these                                                                    opening video plan and a complete
          problems  have  been  as  serious  as                                                                   listing of safety protocols, please visit
          the current COVID-19 Pandemic.                                                                          the  web  site  in  advance  at:
              “This challenge was completely                                                            
          unexpected,  and  affects  literally
          everyone  in  the  world,”  explained                                                                   Coming Attractions:
          Cory  Jacobson,  owner  of  Phoenix                                                                        In  the  past  several  weeks,  the
          Theatres.  “We  have  faith  in  the                                                                    movie  industry  has  received  some
          human need to interact with one an-                                                                     very hopeful news with Solstice Stu-
          other and the art we present at the                                                                     dios announcing a July 1st opening
          movies. It is unique to our American                                                                    for their new Russell Crowe film “Un-
          experience, as movies are one of our                                                                    hinged,”  with  Warner  Brothers  fol-
          greatest cultural contributions to the                                                                  lowing  with  their  new  Christopher
          world.  Our  business  is  both  local                                                                  Nolan film “Tenet” on July 17th and
          and  very  social  by  nature  and                                                                      Walt  Disney  Studios  opening  their
          uniquely  disadvantaged  in  a  pan-                                                                    long awaited “Mulan” on July 24th.
          demic crisis.”
             The  movie  industry  is  not  only                                                                  New Online Store:
          closed at your local theatre, but all                                                                      The past few months have also
          production has stopped on new fea-                                                                      been a time of great creativity and
          ture films as well. The film studios                                                                    several very technically talented em-
          have responded by literally resched-                                                                    ployees have worked together to de-
          uling  all  films  beginning  later  this                                                               velop a new Phoenix Theatres Store
          summer  and  in  some  cases  2021.                                                                     on the website that for the first time
          As the film industry grapples with                                                                      will allow customers to purchase gift
          these   unprecedented   problems,  The State Wayne is Phoenix Theatre’s company jewel. Photo by John Rhaesa  cards on line (in increments of $25,
          Phoenix Theatres decided to proac-    “Prior to our re-opening, we will  automatically be configured within  $50, $100) and are available by vis-
          tively shift their focus to offer solu-  be traveling to our theatre locations  the reserved seating computer soft-  iting  on  the  web  at  Phoenix-
          tions that could make a difference.  in Iowa, Massachusetts, and Michi-  ware, so that customers will not be As this is the only area
              “Our  management  group  has   gan with our small specialized train-  within six feet of other guests not in  of the business that will be open for
          spent the past few months working  ing group to individually work with  their family group.             many  weeks,  Phoenix  Theatres
          on developing a comprehensive plan  every  employee  in  the  company,”  • Each employee will wear masks  would certainly appreciate your sup-
          with CDC guidance to carefully re-  said  Sheena  Hohman,  Director  of  and other protective equipment.  port. The gift cards can be used for
          open our theatres,” Jacobson said.  Employee  Training  and  Develop-   •  Transactions  will  be  stream-  any film and concession items once
          “We are hopeful that all of our loca-  ment. “This will ensure a complete  lined at the ticketing and concession  the theatres reopen for business.
          tions will be able to open by July 1st  understanding of the importance of  stand  to  further  minimize  touch  There is no doubt that the coron-
          to support the return of Hollywood’s  following  our  newly  established  points.                       avirus  has  wreaked  havoc  on  the
          summer blockbuster movies to the   guidelines for operations. By provid-  •  In  between  each  showing,  a  movie industry in ways that are visi-
          big screen.”                       ing our employees with the tools and  food grade disinfectant spray will be  ble to us. However, theatre owners
             Phoenix Theatres was founded in  training necessary we can establish  used  on  all  seats  that  removes  all over the country remain hopeful.
          Southeast  Michigan  20  years  ago,  a safe movie-going environment for  99.99%  of  all  viruses  on  surfaces  Just like in the past, with a de-
          and 2 years ago opened a location in  both our employees and guests.”  within 30 seconds.               termined  effort  we  will  prevail,
          Dubuque,  Iowa  --  where  on  May    Phoenix Theatres plans to incor-  • This disinfectant spray will also  again,” Jacobson said. “It is our sin-
          22nd Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds    porate both CDC and our local gov-  be  used  on  high  touch  points  cere hope that our society can safely
          made the announcement that movie   ernment standards on how a theatre  throughout  the  building  including  return to a normal routine of enjoy-
          theatres could reopen with restric-  should  safely  operate.  Working  the restrooms and concession areas.  ing our lives and love of movies. The
          tions. Phoenix Theatres however, de-  closely with the National Association  •  Hand  sanitizer  stations  will  experience of living through this cri-
          cided  to  wait  and  utilize  this  time  of Theatre Owners and with the help  also be provided for customer use  sis has certainly been very humbling
          instead  to  train  local  management  of theatre management and employ-  throughout the theatre.       for all of us.  I want to personally
          and employees on their new proto-  ees, new safety protocols have been  Detailed Video Re-Opening Plan:  thank many of you that have called
          cols and make upgrades to their tick-  established  for  every  aspect  of  the  “In  order  to  help  easily  demon-  us and took the time to send us let-
          eting  system  that  will  allow  the  theatre:                       strate these new policies, we devel-  ters of support. These little niceties
          computer to automatically practice    • There will be social distancing  oped a video to help illustrate what  are  just  a  little  more  appreciated
          social distancing inside each audito-  guidelines in all the common areas  you  can  expect  to  see  during  your  than ever and proves to us that it’s
          rium by implementing reserved seat-  and most importantly in the theatre  next trip to the movies,” said Tearis  incredible customers who have sup-
          ing.                               auditoriums. The seating layout will  Reid, Vice President of Operations.  ported us the last 20 years.”
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · June 2020 · 13
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