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Cruisin’ US12 will bring fun for the entire family
By Sarah Shurge Falafel will be selling things like
The 15th annual US12 car cruise chicken wraps.
event will be happening on Saturday, All of the food trucks at each stop
July 10th, from 10 a.m until 10 p.m. will be running from 11 a.m. -2 p.m.
As always, Michigan Avenue and Trucks may stay later if they choose
downtown Wayne will be packed to.
with classic and custom cars. Park- Other pit stops along Michigan
ing lots in downtown are hosting Ave are US12 Bar and Grill on the
local car clubs, while other cars will corner of 2nd St. with live music and
be driving up and down Michigan a bathroom available for the public.
Ave. Blast Cornhole will be in Derby’s
This year the City of Wayne Down- Alley in between 2nd St. and Wayne
town Development Authority has Rd. Along with Benders Downtown
partnered with the cruise to facilitate Wayne next to US12.
family friendly activities up and Harry J. Will Funeral Homes on
down Michigan Ave. Michigan Ave, past 4th St. is also a
For the first time there will be pit pit stop and is having an event in the
stops down Michigan Ave for the morning. Come at 9:30 a.m. until
community to enjoy. There will also 11:30 a.m. for “Hot Cars & Hot
be two air conditioned shuttles run- Great cars will be in Downtown Wayne at Cruisin’ US12 on July 10th. Cakes”. Car show drivers receive
ning every 15 minutes from 2nd St. seum. Between the church and the shirts and have an outdoor family one free breakfast ticket. Pancakes
to Newburgh Rd. to transport people museum, there is going to be a flea friendly event as well. This stop has and a beverage are $5 per person.
from stop to stop. market. There will also be a craft a bathroom available for the public. Kids ages 6-12 eat for $3 and kids
Each pit stop will be marked with and game area for kids, along with a The fifth and final stop is at Jack under the age of 5 eat for free. All
a double checkered flag and shuttles bounce house and a DJ. Demmer Ford, Inc. on Michigan Ave, proceeds go to the American Dia-
will be marked as well. Kona Ice will be selling snow before Newburgh Rd. Jack Demmer betes Association.
The first stop is on 2nd St. in Vet- cones and shaved ice at the second is working with the DDA and Ford A porta potty will be stationed at
eran’s Plaza. There will be a large stop as well. Motor Company is allowing Jack Jack Demmer, along with two porta
vendor show with 30-40 vendors. The third stop will be at Karma Demmer to display the electric Mus- potties at the museum and church
There will also be two food trucks. Coffee Shop & Kitchen on Michigan tang and the new Ford Bronco at this for the block party.
One selling deep fried oreos and fun- Ave, past Sophia St.. They will be stop. As things in Michigan begin to
nel cakes. The other is a taco truck. serving ice cream and have an out- The Michigan Mustang Car Club head back into the direction of nor-
The second stop is on Towne door family friendly event. will be at this stop, along with a live mal, Cruisin’ US12 is a great oppor-
Square St. behind the PNC Bank. The fourth stop will be at Kurt's band playing from 9 a.m. until 3 tunity for people to come out, walk
This stop is called the Family Fun Caps on Michigan Ave, past Clark St. p.m. There will also be three food downtown, and enjoy themselves
Zone. There is going to be a block They will be serving popcorn and trucks: a lobster truck, The Grill Fa- with all the classic cars and new ac-
party at the Wayne Historical Mu- water. Kurt’s Caps will also be selling ther will be selling BBQ, and Rafic’s tivities the cruise has to offer.
Court holds virtual graduation ceremony
On June 9, 2021, 29th District who suffer from serious mental ill- he truly felt that the RBTC programs’ within the RBTC program.
Court Judge Breeda O'Leary hosted nesses, developmental disabilities team members were his support sys- Another graduate sent an email
a virtual graduation ceremony hon- and/or co-occurring disorders, to re- tem who cared deeply about his suc- after the ceremony that resonated
oring the participants that have suc- duce the burdens on the criminal cess. with the treatment court team. She
cessfully completed the Western justice system, reduce the costs of The ceremony's guest speaker, said, “I want to say thank you. I now
Wayne County's Regional Behavioral mental health treatment and im- Harold Leffal, spoke of his hard- have a two-bedroom house, I have a
Treatment Court (“RBTC”) program. prove the quality of the participants’ ships as a low-income child with a fa- car, I have a job. This program made
This ceremony was held to honor all lives. Judge O’Leary, who replaced ther addicted to heroin, but me see life differently, made me want
participants who graduated the pro- retired Judge Mack in June of 2020, emphasized that everyone is capable to do better not just for myself but
gram since the COVID pandemic. is committed to continuing the of moving on and facing life's chal- more for my daughter. I have to set
Judge Laura Mack, who previously RBTC program. lenges as well as reminding the grad- an example for her to do right in life
served as the 29th District Court Over 30 graduates completed the uates and current participants that and you don't need substances to get
Judge, recognized the need for men- RBTC program during the pan- they have the strength to live a stable through things when life gets tough.
tal health services among the individ- demic, and many were excited to at- and happy life. I work delivering pizzas, it pays good
uals coming before her in her tend and share their thoughts about Each graduate was honored indi- money, just last night I made over
courtroom and established the life after successfully graduating. vidually and had an opportunity to $200 in tips. I’m starting to save
RBTC program in 2013. The mis- One graduate, Lance Kennard, can- address the attendees and court. money to buy a house for me and my
sion of the RBTC is to compassion- didly shared that he had been in- One graduate explained his numer- daughter. You show you care for us,
ately provide appropriate services volved with the court system ous struggles in the criminal justice I have my life sort of together be-
and monitoring of adult defendants previously, but that this program system and his addiction to alcohol, cause of this program and I know
convicted of misdemeanor crimes in was different, mainly because he was even stating that he thought his fate my mom would be proud of me.
Western Wayne County, Michigan, treated as an equal and with respect; was to die until he found structure Thank you so much.”
8 · July 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch