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Veterans Tera O’Neil, Dennis Hermatz, Paul Cook, Jim Krzyskowski and Paul Law,
and community remember fallen heroes. Photo by Natalie Rhaesa
Wayne remembers...
By Sarah Shurge traordinary ways in extreme times.
“People always say ‘Happy Memo- They rose to the nation’s call because
rial Day’ but is it supposed to be they wanted to protect a nation
happy? Or is it supposed to be which has given them, us, so much,”
thoughtful?” said Jim Hart, Staff Ser- said Wayne Mayor, John Rhaesa,
geant, United States Army, Veteran, during his opening remarks.
and featured speaker of the Memo- Lead Pastor, Bobby Kelly, Crosse-
rial Day ceremony. “It’s supposed to Pointe Community Church led the
be thoughtful, not only while you’re crowd in an opening and closing
here but after you leave.” prayer. The presentation of colors
The ceremony was on Monday, was done by Nicole Meixner Klosner
March 31st, at Wayne’s Veteran’s Me- and Brendin Klosner. The Pledge of
morial outside of Wayne City Hall. Allegiance was led by Ed Queen, Vet-
The Wayne Veteran’s Memorial is eran, United States Air Force. Read-
a place where veterans can go to con- ing of In Flanders Fields was done by
template thoughts they are not will- Stanley Shelton, Veteran, United
ing to share with anyone else. States Army.
“This memorial is a physical re- Star Spangled Banner, Taps and
minder for those that have served a musical number was performed by
and will live as a legacy for those that members of the Wayne Memorial
will follow,” said Hart. “These High School Zebra Marching Band
grounds are sacred.” under the direction of Michael Wolf,
Over the last four years, a lot of WMHS Director of Bands and Or-
hard work and over $100,000 was chestras.
raised to help make the memorial a Jim Hart had tears in his eyes
reality. during his speech as he touched on
The memorial is accessible year- veteran suicide.
round with three benches that look “Many men and women brought
towards the monuments that pro- the battle home with them,” said
vide a space for contemplation. Hart. “We are called to remember all
There are several parking spaces those lost at war, and some are los-
that face the memorial for those vet- ing the battle at home and taking
erans who are unable or do not wish their own life.”
to get out of their vehicle. Hart continued by challenging the
On the cloudy Memorial Day crowd to a task.
morning, the memorial was sur- “Take it as a call to action. Call
rounded by veterans, officers, com- your battle buddies. Check in on
mittee members, citizens, families, them. Be there for them,” said Hart.
and more. The management of Wayne’s Vet-
City of Wayne Mayor, John eran’s Memorial is funded by dona-
Rhaesa said a few words to welcome tions, so even small donations keep
the crowd and begin the ceremony. the memorial going. If you are inter-
“They [service members] were or- ested in donating, you can contact
dinary people who responded in ex- City Hall by calling (734)722-2000.
4 · June 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch