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Wayne Chamber changes and awards
By Carolyn Marnon
The Wayne Chamber of Com- The new Board
merce has a new Executive Director
and a new Board of Directors for members are:
The newly hired Amanda Dybus
Executive Director Wayne Westland Schools
is Zachery Burskey
who started with Daryan Edmunds
the Chamber in De- State Farm Insurance-Clay Nissan
cember. He re- Wayne Chamber of Commerce President Stan Shelton presents Hype Athletics CEO
ported that his Sue Elliot
main goal will be to Storage Sense Ali Sayed, Rabih Darwiche and Billy Amen with Wayne Business of the Year.
get things properly The Wayne Chamber recently keep Wayne clean with the Spring
structured at the Zachery Burskey Maria Rico handed out awards: two non-profits Clean-Up event. The organization
Chamber and to find new events and Lobo Tires and Volunteer of the Year. also has a focus on the community
benefit opportunities for members. HYPE Recreation Center and by having the annual fall scarecrow
He’d also like to keep things running Chelsea Rushlow Wayne Main Street were each recog- event “which brings a bit of shine to
smoothly for the nearly 80 members Imperial Press nized for their non-profit work. the community,” said Stan.
of the Chamber. He is hoping the HYPE was actively involved this past Estefany Gonzalez was recog-
Chamber will be able to add health Stan Shelton summer handing out food to the nized for her volunteer work with the
care options for members, get busi- community. On several Saturdays, Wayne Chamber of Commerce. A
ness discounts for members, and be J&S Portrait America Photography HYPE received 2-3 semis full of food young high school student, she re-
able to hold digital events and semi- Shane Vida that they gave away. One Saturday, duced chamber records to a manage-
nars via Zoom. COVID-19 has says Chamber board member and a able level.
placed many obstacles in front of Phoenix Theatres volunteer at the food drive Stan Shel- She also designed the car hood
businesses, especially those in the Magan Zuk ton, cars were lined up outside of the Chamber entered in the Wayne
restaurant industry, and Zachery HYPE down Howe to Van Born and Main Street 2019 competition and
wants to set up systems and re- Advantage Living Center back to Venoy. HYPE has also held designed the Chambers 2020 scare-
sources to help those businesses sur- COVID-19 testing sites. crow for the annual downtown scare-
vive. Wayne Main Street works hard to crow competition.
6 · March 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch