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Not your basic bistro

            Innovative cuisine and warm hospitality to create an uncommon dining experience

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                     Bistro  officially  opened  its  doors
             In the culinary industry, there’s                                                                    after a process of intense renovation.
          no  shortage  of  restaurant  slang  to                                                                 And the rest is history.
          characterize shortcomings.                                                                                 Upon    walking   through   the
             The  cooks  in  the  back  of  the                                                                   bistro’s  doors  today,  one  will  find
          house  may  find  themselves  in  the                                                                   that it is the kind of place that keeps
          weeds,  for  example,  when  they’re                                                                    patrons coming back. The pristine,
          knee-deep in orders, while to eighty-                                                                   modernized décor fits the bill of up-
          six something means to run out of it.                                                                   scale  casual  while  managing  to  re-
             But  here’s  a  phrase—a  good                                                                       main comfortable and inviting at the
          one—that’s a definite crowd pleaser:                                                                    same time.
          scratch kitchen.                                                                                           Duhani says that every diner’s ex-
             In a scratch kitchen, the dishes                                                                     perience—what a diner sees as well
          are prepared with fresh ingredients.                                                                    as what he or she tastes—is a testa-
          They  aren’t  frozen  or  processed.                                                                    ment to Avenue’s high standards and
          This,  of  course,  is  an  understand-                                                                 method of operation. It’s akin to the
          able draw for diners who put a pre-                                                                     orchestration of a successful sports
          mium on quality. And we’re not just                                                                     club: Everyone has got a particular
          talking  about  self-professed  “food-                                                                  job  to  do,  and  everyone’s  a  team
          ies”: Nowadays, people want to know                                                                     player.
          what they’re eating and how it was                                                                         “Our staff here…You’ll never see
          made.                                                                                                   someone standing around, hanging
             It’s  an  assignment  Mohammed                                                                       out, playing with their Apple watch,”
          “Karl” Makky and Tony Duhani, co-                                                                       says Duhani of the restaurant’s ap-
          owners of Avenue American Bistro, Founders and developers Mohammed “Karl” Makky and Tony Duhani with one of  proximately 70-person staff. “We ac-
          have gladly undertaken. And the re-  their operational managers, Jason Crothers (middle). Photo by John Rhaesa  tually run a business here. And we
          sult  is  a  delectable  menu  that  one                                                                give the jobs to the right individuals.”
          will  be  hard-pressed  to  find  any-  And those sesame seeds?       recall the history behind where Av-  “And cell phones are not allowed
          where else.                          “We  toast  them  in  house,  too,”  enue resides today: Back in the sev-  on our floor,” adds Makky.
             Welcome  to  Avenue  American   adds Duhani.                       enties  and  eighties,  the  building  “It’s mastering the basics,” says
          Bistro, where the chicken is all-nat-  And  leave  it  to  Makky  and  housed The Golden Boy, a family din-  Duhani.
          ural and kosher; the grilled chicken  Duhani to take a highly-revered clas-  ing  eatery  that  became  Rookie  Makky and Duhani don’t just ex-
          is wood-fired; the beef is prime (and  sic—like good ‘ol onion soup—and  Sports Café in the nineties. By 2009,  pect excellence from their staff, they
          kosher);  the  salmon  is  Norwegian  kick it up a notch. This is where Av-  Makky,  an  entrepreneur  who  hails  lead by example. Ask the duo what
          and lightly smoked and dry-rubbed  enue’s attention to detail is simply  from Dearborn, had owned the hair  they do for fun, and they will dole
          in-house, and the bread is baked by  unrivaled.                       salon and tanning establishment in  out  an  unyieldingly  candid  reply:
          the restaurant’s very own pastry chef.  “Using  roasted  vegetable  broth,  the same building on the side which  “Not a damn thing,” Makky is quick
             And that’s just for starters.   ten-hour caramelized onions, freshly  faced Michigan Avenue.         to say. “You know why? Because we
             “It's  the  technique  behind  our  baked baguette, and Swiss Gruyere,  Meanwhile,  a  few  blocks  away,  work 90 hours a week.”
          cooking,” Duhani emphasizes.       our  onion  soup  comes  alive  after  also on Michigan Avenue in Wayne,  “We’re here seven days out of the
             Take their signature Korean Beef  three  full  days  of  work,”  explains  Duhani was engaged in his family’s  week,” says Duhani.
          Brisket, for instance, which is listed  Duhani.                       business, L. George’s Coney Island.  With the holidays now upon us,
          under  the  street  tacos  section  of  Neither  their  Korean  brisket  But  he  did  not  just  work  in  the  Avenue American Bistro presents the
          their menu.                        tacos nor onion soup are cooked on  restaurant industry, he says he was  perfect  atmosphere  to  eat,  drink,
             “There’s a lot of work that goes  the fly. Rather, they are the culmina-  humbly born in it.         and  be  merry  with  family,  friends,
          into one taco,” says Duhani.       tion of patience, hard work, and pre-  “I was bred into this,” Duhani re-  and co-workers.
             He’s not exaggerating. At all.  cise timing.                       members of his younger years, back   “We make our own simple syrup
             It starts with a 14-hour smoked    The  same  can  be  said  for  how  when his father owned a Coney Is-  and our own bloody Mary mix, and
          brisket,  followed  by  a  sweet  soy  Makky  and  Duhani’s  partnership  land restaurant in Detroit. “At nine-  all  of  our  drinks  are  culinary-dri-
          glaze,  gochujang  (FYI,  that’s  a  red  came to be.                 years-old, I was peeling potatoes.”  ven,” Makky boasts of Avenue’s ex-
          chili-based  condiment  used  in  Ko-  "This wasn’t handed to us,” says  So,  when  he  discovered  that  clusive array of cocktails including a
          rean cuisine) mayonnaise, and kim-  Makky, whose restaurant resume in-  Rookie Sports Café was making its  Pomegranate  Long  Island.  It’s  also
          chi  slaw.  Toasted  sesame  and   cludes managing Subways, working   departure, he jumped at the oppor-  worth noting, here, that Avenue also
          micro-cilantro round out the medley,  at his brother-in-law’s pizzeria, and  tunity to revamp the property.  infuses  its  Brazilian  rum  with
          which is then served on two dorado-  assisting  with  his  own  family’s  “We said, ‘You know what? Let’s  pineapple, and they make their own
          style Hacienda corn tortillas—which  restaurant. “We worked hard for it.  try  something  different,”  recalls  ginger simple syrup with fresh ginger
          are  home-grown  in  Southwest  De-  We grabbed it."                  Duhani.                           and organic demerara sugar.
          troit, by the way.                    Longtime  Wayne  residents  may   In May of 2010, Avenue American               See Avenue, page 4

                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · December 2022 · 3
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