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P. 17

Mindful, Continued from page 16   who could use them.
                                                                                                                  Welcome failure early and often
                                                                                help—so I put them to work out of    Now, this one is really hard, pri-
                                                                                necessity," Esther says. Machol says  marily because who wants to stand
                                                                                there’s  room  for  interpretation  idly by while their child falters? But
                                                                                here—and  plenty  of  opportunities  Machol says that’s precisely what we
                                                                                (i.e., assigning chores) to help foster  need to do. We cannot protect our
                                                                                a  child’s  confidence.  But  the  take-  children against failure. Instead, we
                                                                                away here is to promote responsibil-  need to embrace it. Take the case of
                                                                                ity.                              Nia Batts, for example: She was rid-
                                                                                Actively nurture compassion       ing high as a successful executive at
                                                                                  In other words, you can’t just talk  Viacom but left it all to follow her
                                                                                about  how  others  are  suffering.  A  dreams of starting something from
                                                                                parent must go deeper than that. Ma-  scratch.  She  co-founded  Detroit
                                                                                chol says that children whose par-  Blows, an inclusive, non-toxic hair
                                                                                ents show them how it feels to help  and beauty service. Remembers Nia,
                                                                                others who are struggling get a head  “My mom was a trial attorney. Most
                                                                                start in developing a compassionate  of the time she won, sometimes she
                                                                                outlook.  Machol  learned  this  first-  lost. I remember my dad often ask-
                                                                                hand from Scott Harrison’s mother,  ing me, 'What did you fail at today?'
                                                                                Joan.  Harrison  is  the  founder  of  He asked me when I was young when
                                                                                charity: water, a non-profit that re-  he was driving me to or from school;
                                                                                stores  and  maintains  wells  to  give  he asked me when I was in college;
                                                                                people  sustainable  access  to  clean  and  he  asked  me  more  frequently
                                                                                water,  and  since  its  inception  has  when  I  started  to  work."  Machol
                                                                                brought  clean  water  to  12  million  thinks this is profound. “Nia's par-
                                                                                people.  Before  Joan  passed  away,  ents wanted to make sure they cre-
                                                                                she told Machol that when Harrison  ated  an  environment  where  it  was
                                                                                was just a wee little thing in elemen-  okay to fail,” says Machol.
                                                                                tary  school,  Joan  would  help  him  Okay, Dispatch parents and care-
                                                                                sort  through  books,  clothes,  and  givers: What would you add to this
                                                                                toys that he would give away to kids  list?

                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · October 2022 · 17
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