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Commission on Aging’s April Seminar
By Sarah Shurge has been trying to reach out more to If you’re interested in attending, Attorneys Association of Michigan on
The City of Wayne Commission the older adults within the commu- please RSVP no later than Wednes- elder abuse and financial exploita-
on Aging and the Division Chief of Fi- nity. Last summer, they hosted a pic- day, April 19th. To RSVP, you can tion. He has also trained with the Na-
nancial Crimes, Scott L. Teter, nic in the park. Last month, they had call (734)722-2002 or email lgo- tional College of District Attorneys,
proudly announce a special presen- a team of older adults compete in the American Prosecutors Research
tation for the older adults of Wayne. trivia at the Friendship Center in Teter is the Division Chief of the Institute, the National Advocacy Cen-
On Friday, April 21st, at 11 a.m. Westland. Financial Crimes Division and will ter, and the National Sheriffs' Associ-
at Wayne City Hall, there will be a “We’re trying to find ways to get be the speaker at the event. The divi- ation.
presentation on matters critical to the older adults to interact with each sion also includes the Child Support “It’s huge to get this information
the safety of older adults. other, get out of the house, and have Unit and the Elder Financial Crimes out there and create awareness,”
“Anybody, any age can attend. things to do,” said Gouin. Unit. said Gouin.
This is about making everyone This presentation will be an edu- As a prosecutor, Teter created the The Commission on Aging’s goal
aware of the crimes and the people cational opportunity for older adults second elder abuse task force in is to plan at least one activity every
that are out there taking advantage in the community to learn about Michigan. He is a member of the couple of months for the older adults
of seniors,” said Lori Gouin, Wayne crimes directed towards them. Elder Abuse Task Force formed by of Wayne to be involved in.
Downtown Development Authority The event is free to the public and Attorney General Dana Nessel and Be sure to join the Commission
Director. a lunch will be served after the dis- the Michigan Supreme Court. on Aging and Teter at this upcoming
The Wayne Commission on Aging cussion. Teter trains for the Prosecuting seminar.
Fire, Continued from page 13 dured Vietnam. I married Kathleen said Deputy Chief Schneider. “Being ers were at doing their job. And the
on June 12th, 1967. We went a firefighter is very dynamic. There's police were in control of the crowd,
you throw it away, or it will fail to through a lot, being separated and a huge mental aspect, as well as making sure everyone was back
where it gets hot and burns.” not knowing what tomorrow would physical aspect. But my favorite part, away from the fire,” said Justice. “We
Since the fire, Justice and his bring. I grew a strong faith then.” honestly, is to be able to help people spent time thanking God that we
family had been living in a two bed- Justice and Kathleen continue to on their worst day.” weren't home and no one was hurt.
room suite in a hotel. clean their house of things that were Deputy Chief Schneider has been Not even the dog.”
“We’ve been through a lot of trials damaged by the smoke, and remi- with the Wayne Fire Department For more information about the
and tribulations, but if we stay nisce on memories of their family since 2007. Wayne Fire Department, visit city-
strong and rely on the Father, we can growing up there. “I was very impressed to see how
endure a lot,” said Justice. “I en- “Don was very easy to work with,” professional and calm the firefight- or call (734)722-1111.
The Wayne Dispatch · April 2023 · 15