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The Teachings of a Trailblazer
Retired Wayne firefighter Dave Wylie has walked far more than a country mile: He’s hiked the
entire Appalachian Trail. And he has amassed the wisdom—and broken-in equipment—to prove it.
By Courtney Conover ing, hiking, and camping. That’s just
The numbers don’t lie. what my family did. And I read a
Combine 2,194.2 miles, six book when I was young about a kid
months, five pairs of boots, two thru-hiking on the long trails—the
backpacks, and you’ll get a small yet Pacific Crest Trail. And after I read
intriguing summary of a rather un- that book, I was like, I wanna do
conventional experience. this!
It's estimated that more than
three million people hike segments CC: How soon after did you set
of the Appalachian Trail each year— off on a trail?
and Dave Wylie, a resident of Wayne DW: When I was a young teen, I
for 12 years, is one of them. went on a family trip to the east
Wylie is known as Firewalker, a coast—I don’t remember what year it
moniker given to him by a hiker he was—and I got to hike half a mile of
met while hiking through Great the Appalachian Trail with my family.
Smoky Mountain National Park. And My parents knew I was interested in
it’s not hard to figure out why: The hiking the long trails. So, when we
nickname encompasses two essen- went to the Smoky Mountains, we
tial components of his identity. went to it.
Clearly, Wylie is an avid walker.
But there’s more to his story. CC: Let’s fast-forward to your
Wylie, who grew up in Allen Park most recent hike. In all, how many
and attended high school in Melvin- total miles did you hike, and what
dale, entered the Marine Corps fol- was the duration of your entire trip?
lowing his high school graduation, DW: I started February 25, 2022,
and it was during those four years of and I ended my hike September 9,
service that Wylie had an epiphany: 2022. The trail starts down in Geor-
He wanted to become a firefighter. gia, and it ends in Maine. Every year,
“So, after the Marine Corps, I the trail changes. When I hiked it in
went to Henry Ford Community Col- 2022, the trail was 2,194.2 miles.
lege and got my associate degree in But I hiked a lot more miles—over
fire science,” says Wylie, 55. “I 2,200 miles. Because when you hike,
worked for the City of Taylor part- you hike for somewhere between five
time for about two years and as a to seven days. And then you have to
full-time EMT at Taylor Ambulance come off the trail, which might be
in Detroit for about two years. Then anywhere from one mile to 10 miles,
I got hired into the City of Wayne in to go into town to get food. And then
1995 as a firefighter and paramedic.” once you’re in town, you have to hike
While Wylie retired from the back to the trailhead [the entry point
Wayne Fire Department in December of the trail from a road or parking
of 2021, his most memorable days lot] to start your journey again.
on the hiking trail lay ahead.
Here, Wylie shares with The CC: Where did the spark come
Wayne Dispatch his incredible jour- from to even attempt this in the first
ney up the Appalachian Trail, a hik- place? When did you decide that
ing trail in the Eastern United States you’d go for it?
which extends almost 2,200 miles Dave Wylie on the Appalachian Trail. DW: I decided to go hiking during
(3,540 km) between Springer Moun- my vacation in 2017, and I wanted to
tain in Georgia and Mount Katahdin that I talk to someone who has ac- wanted to go, and being a Marine, a get the biggest bang for my buck. I
in Maine. The trail, which is heavily complished what you did—which is firefighter, and hiking the Ap- spent a lot of time researching the
comprised of tree roots, rocks, and pretty stunning. Tell me about Young palachian Trail were on that Appalachian Trail, and decided I’d
boulders, winds its way through a Dave so that readers get a greater un- roadmap. I spent a lot of time out- hike the northern part. I ended up
whopping 14 states and, according derstanding of how you got here. doors. Growing up, my dad worked hiking about 500 miles of the trail.
to the Appalachian Trail Conser- Were there clues in your childhood for General Motors, and during the That’s when I fell in love. I had talked
vancy, is the longest hiking-only trail that you would one day end up time when GM was doing the model to a lot of hikers, and I’d heard the
in the world. where you are now? changes of the cars—in July—we stories. And I knew exactly what I
Courtney Conover: Thank you for Dave Wylie: Young Dave was would go up to Northern Michigan.
your time today. It’s not every day driven. I had a roadmap of where I Every summer was spent there, fish- See Trailblazer, page 4
The Wayne Dispatch · April 2023 · 3