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Uncorked and On Tap Fundraiser Event
By Sarah Shurge kets as well.
Do you want to support the teach- To purchase tickets, you can con-
ers and students of the Wayne-West- tact Smith by email at wwfounda-
land School District? Do you enjoy or phone at
drinking beer and wine? If yes, then (734)560-6612.
the perfect event is happening in Tickets are available until they
Wayne for you. sell out.
Friday, April 28th, at HYPE Ath- If you’d like to donate to the foun-
letics (White Rose Banquet), the dation, you can by visiting the web-
Wayne-Westland Education Founda- site at and
tion will be hosting their second an- clicking the “donate” button.
nual Uncorked and On Tap The foundation is still looking for
fundraiser event. local businesses that want to spon-
The Wayne-Westland Foundation sor or provide donations to the auc-
for the Improvement of Instruction tion. They are also looking for
was created in 1980 for the welfare volunteers for the event.
and benefit of the students in the Current sponsors for the event
Wayne-Westland Community School are: Community Financial Credit
District. Union (the title sponsor), McCarthy
“It’s [the foundation] been quiet The foundation hosts multiple fundraisers a year. The funds raised during these & Smith Inc., Campbell Inc., Serta
for so long, I feel like we’re reinvent- events allows teachers to be able to apply for grants up to $1,000. Restokraft Mattress Co Inc., Wayne
ing ourselves. I want it to be recog- “This is so teachers don't have to The event will have music, beer, Westland Federal Credit Union, Jack
nized in the community,” said spend their own money because wine, auction, and food. Pizza will be Demmer Ford, TMP Architecture
Brandi Smith, Executive Director of funding isn’t there,” said Smith. “I’ve available at the end of the night, Inc., Communication by Design,
Wayne-Westland Education Founda- always been a big advocate of teach- thanks to a donation from Little Cae- MEA, Wayne County Community Col-
tion. “I want the kids of Wayne-West- ers, trying to help in the classrooms sars. lege, Michigan Educational Credit
land to have the same education as and volunteer at events. I would do The event will start at 5 p.m. with Union, Schoolcraft College, Little
those in other places.” anything to support teachers and $50 VIP tickets (5 - 8 p.m.). $40 gen- Caesars Pizza @ Howe and Annapo-
How does the foundation achieve this is another extension of that.” eral tickets start an hour later (6 – 8 lis, and Champions.
its mission? Smith grew up in Westland, and p.m.). “I want this year’s event to be bet-
“Our goal and purpose is to raise both her and her husband graduated Uncorked and On Tap event ter than last year, and I want next
as much money as we can to provide from John Glenn High School. They prizes are as follows: Two JBL wire- year’s to be better than this year,”
these kids with experiences they have three children, who also at- less speakers, family portrait ses- said Smith.” I really want to make a
might not have otherwise,” said tended Wayne-Westland Schools. sion with Leslie Patterson difference in our community.”
Smith. “Money matters when it “My brother is on the board for Photography, four Detroit Tigers tick- The current Wayne-Westland Ed-
comes to education. There's not the foundation and he thought I ets with parking, overnight stay at ucation Foundation board members
enough of it to go around. This is a would be a good fit for it. I’ve done a Motor City Casino, spa certificate for are: Scott Buie, Carol Middel, Tom
way to supplement that.” lot of fundraising for schools and I Motor City Casino, gift certificate for Buckalew, Tonya Karpinski, Maria
The foundation hosts multiple really wanted to give back to the com- Top Golf, gift certificate for Detroit Mitter, Ali Sayed, Kimberly May,
fundraisers a year. The funds raised munity I grew up in,” said Smith. Handlebar pedal pub, gift certificate Chanda Cleaves, John Dignan, Kim
during these events allows teachers Smith joined the Wayne-Westland for b.bare laser hair removal, gift cer- Markey, John Rhasea, Sheila Wof-
to be able to apply for grants up to Education Foundation in January tificate for BeautiSpot Aesthetics & ford, and Kristen Brickey.
$1,000. This money is used for edu- 2023 and is the coordinator of the Wellness Med Spa, basket from Rae For more information about the
cational purposes to advance educa- Uncorked and On Tap fundraiser Soap Company, multiple restaurant Wayne-Westland Education Founda-
tional experience for students. event. gift cards, and multiple raffle bas- tion, visit
The Wayne Dispatch · April 2023 · 9