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Don Quarles selected to city council

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            “I’m  here  for  them.  I  want  to
             After  Mayor  Pro  Tempore  Tom                                                                      make  sure  that  their  voices  are
          Porter resigned from his seat on City                                                                   heard”, said Quarles. “It's important
          Council, the council needed a new                                                                       for residents to get involved. Without
          member.  On  Tuesday,  July  17th,                                                                      residents,  we  can't  have  a  city.  It
          Don Quarles was voted in. Quarles                                                                       takes a village. It takes everybody in
          was officially sworn in after the coun-                                                                 the  city  to  be  involved  with  each
          cil  meeting  and  then  ceremonially                                                                   other, to have harmony, and to make
          sworn in on Tuesday, August 1st.                                                                        a city a great city.”
             “When  Tom  resigned,  I  started                                                                       Quarles has been a logistics man-
          thinking  about  going  on  council.                                                                    ager at PADNOS for 10 years, a mem-
          With  all  the  changes  going  on,  I                                                                  ber of the Wayne Masonic Lodge 112
          thought this is where I needed to be,”                                                                  for 20 years, an amateur radio oper-
          said Quarles.                                                                                           ator for 20 years, and a DJ since he
             Quarles  is  a  long-standing  resi-  Roy Watts swears in Councilman Donald Quarles. Photo by Lisa Nocerini  was 13 years old.
          dent of Wayne with a love to serve, a  city events, and more.         peace, and harmony is a vital part in  As a hobby, he is a paranormal in-
          passion for the city, and a desire to  “I’ve been living in Wayne for 28  life,” said Quarles. “It starts with re-  vestigator on The Ghost Whisperer’s
          move things forward.               years. I’ve seen it grow. We are on the  spect. We, as a council, have to re-  team  for  four  years.  He  has  been
             “I absolutely love our city. I can’t  right  path,”  said  Quarles.  “We  are  spect  each  other's  voices  and  married to his wife for 25 years, they
          say it enough, we have a great city,”  one  of  the  up-and-coming  cities.  opinions. We all have different opin-  have five children, and 11 grandchil-
          said Quarles at the council meeting.   We’re growing. We have to grow and  ions  and  that’s  what  makes  us  a  dren.
             Quarles has been involved with  be progressive. We need to think out-  great city. We can agree to disagree  “My big thing is, at the end of this
          the City of Wayne for years, including  side of the box but we have to hold  and  still  move  forward  to  make  term, I want our residents to think
          being  a  Wayne  County  Sheriff  Re-  on to our roots. Our roots are what  choices that’s best for our residents  ‘this is a good guy.’ I did what I said
          serve Officer for 14 years, being on  made our city such an awesome city.”  and city.”                  I was going to do and I listened,” said
          the  City  Planning  Commission  for  Quarles is stepping into his role  Members of the city council are  Quarles.  “I  hope  that  I  am  even  a
          five years and the Zoning Board for  with a specific goal in mind already.   required to make difficult decisions,  quarter  of  the  councilman  that
          six  years,  volunteering  with  the  “Bringing unity to our city. I don't  but  Quarles  wants  the  people  of  Porter was. If I am that, I’ve achieved
          parks clean-ups, attending all of the  feel  we’re  all  divided,  but  unity,  Wayne to feel involved too.    my goal.”

                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · August 2023 · 15
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