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Hank joined Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong’s family at the end of April 2023.
                                                                                New police therapy

                                                                                dog in training

                                                                                By Sarah Shurge                   tion, and observation from trained
                                                                                  In October 2022, the Wayne Po-  testers  in  various  settings,  the  de-
                                                                                lice Department’s therapy dog, Zeke,  partment said.
                                                                                tragically and suddenly passed away  Zeke joined the Wayne Police De-
                                                                                after a short battle with cancer. How-  partment  in  2019.  He  received  24
                                                                                ever, the therapy dog program did  weeks of obedience training before
                                                                                not end with Zeke.                being given an obedience test. After
                                                                                  Zeke  inspired  therapy  dog  pro-  that, he underwent a series of obser-
                                                                                grams  at  multiple  other  police  de-  vations by ATD while visiting various
                                                                                partments, and after taking time to  public places, such as a hospital and
                                                                                grieve and mourn his loss, the Wayne  a psychiatric facility. He was also ob-
                                                                                Police Department is excited to an-  served at the police department.
                                                                                nounce that there is a new therapy   ATD  provides  support  to  those
                                                                                dog in training.                  who use dogs to visit nursing homes,
                                                                                  Hank,  a  five-month-old  Golden  hospitals, schools, and other facili-
                                                                                Retriever, joined Wayne Police Chief  ties where a dog could provide com-
                                                                                Ryan Strong’s family at the end of  fort to others. “I’m super excited for
                                                                                April 2023.                       the  training  process  with  Hank,”
                                                                                  “It was tough getting another dog.  said Chief Strong. “The first step is
                                                                                I still miss Zeke,” said Chief Strong.  socialization. I’ve been bringing him
                                                                               “But the therapy dog program was so  to the station once or twice a week.
                                                                                important to the department and to  He’s doing really well. He met the of-
                                                                                me, I knew we needed a new one. I  ficers and brightens everyone's day
                                                                                wanted to get the new process going  even though he’s not certified yet.”
                                                                                for the department and the commu-    Hank can't be certified as a ther-
                                                                                nity.”                            apy  dog  until  he  is  one  year  old,
                                                                                  According to Alliance of Therapy  which  will  be  in  March.  However,
                                                                                Dogs (ATD), therapy dogs can reduce  Chief Strong stated that everybody is
                                                                                stress and anxiety, provide compan-  thrilled to have a new dog around.
                                                                                ionship, and help people get through  “We started obedience classes for
                                                                                emotionally trying times.         a few months and then therapy dog
                                                                                  “Police work is difficult. We see a  certification will be closer towards
                                                                                lot of stressful things and people on  winter,”  said  Chief  Strong.  “He’s
                                                                                the worst day of their lives. Having a  doing well in his classes and has a
                                                                                therapy dog around relieves stress  good attention span. Hank is a good
                                                                                and brightens everyone's day,” said  dog, he’s just a different kind. Hank
                                                                                Chief Strong. “It’s hard to have a bad  is more driven with wanting to learn
                                                                                day when there's a Golden Retriever  the  training  while  Zeke  was  more
                                                                                walking up to you.”               laid back. It’s been fun.”
                                                                                  Therapy dogs must undergo obe-     Good luck to Hank and his train-
                                                                                dience testing, veterinarian certifica-  ing process!
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · August 2023 · 5
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