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MILAN, Continued from page 3       their school’s automotive shop class,  tween predicted elapsed time of the  tage. But if you move before the light,
                                             “but  we  don’t  live  in  those  same  two cars over a standard distance. In  you’re disqualified.”
             Says  Bullock,  “It’s  held  twice  a  times now.” Today, Bullock says kids  other words, it evens up the playing
          year  and  is  open  to  all  the  high  race  their  own  cars—regular  ones,  field and allows racers with varying  Behind the Scenes
          school kids and college students. We  cars that they drive every day.  levels of skill and ability to have an  and Under the Hood
          hosted it here recently and had a big  And that’s where bracket racing  equal shot at winning.
          crowd out here for it.”            comes in.                            “It’s like a bowling handicap,” Bul-  While the term New York minute
             Bullock says that, back in the day,  Bracket racing is a form of drag  lock Explains. “If you bring your car  characterizes  a  brief  span  of  time,
          students  would  build  vehicles  in  racing that allows for a handicap be-  to  the  dragway—the  car  you  drive  even that is too long in the world of
                                                                                everyday—and you line it up and it  drag racing.
                                                                                                                     “Professional  races  are  decided
                                                                                goes down the track in, say, 15 sec-
                                                                                onds…and my car will go down the  by one thousandth of a second,” Bul-
                                                                                                                  lock  stresses.  “That’s  how  close
                                                                                track in 14 seconds. Well, when we
                                                                                start off, you’ll get a one-second head  these  professional  races  are.  They
                                                                                start  at  the  starting  line.  That’s  a  could do everything perfect and be
                                                                                                                  one thousandth off…and lose.”
                                                                                bracket  race,  and  that’s  what  the
                                                                                                                     True  racing  enthusiasts  will  be
                                                                                kids from the high schools do.”   pleased to know that these are the
                                                                                  With bracket racing, knowing the
                                                                                time in which your car can complete  kinds of racers who will be featured
                                                                                the race is key. And if you do, you  at Milan Dragway’s Heads Up Race
                                                                                                                  series, which is held on the first Fri-
                                                                                can race anything.
                                                                                  “You can race your mom’s mini-  day of every month.
                                                                                van,” Bullock says matter-of-factly.  “There’s no handicap, no bracket
                                                                                  That said, one's reaction time is  racing,” explains Bullock. “These are
                                                                                still  extremely  crucial:  That’s  the  the guys who spend all the money to
                                                                                                                  make these cars go as fast as they
                                                                                time  difference  between  when  the
                                                                                light  turns  green  and  the  car  gets  can. And you’d be shocked at how
                                                                                                                  much these cars cost.”
                                                                                  “If  you  sit  there  after  the  green  Bullock  goes  on  to  say  that  it’s
                                                                                light comes on,” Bullock says, “But I  not unusual for a new heads up rac-
                                                                                leave the split second the green light
                                                                                comes on, I have the greater advan-               See Milan, page 5

          Harold Bullock and business partner Perry Merlo. Photo by Angela Chunovich

          4 · June 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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