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HEALTH, Continued from page 3 duces cholesterol levels, stress, and
a tendency to become diabetic. It’s a
In the meantime, Corewell hosts simple thing that makes a big differ-
a variety of services and amenities ence.” He adds that if we want to get
that are available to the community— fancy about it, we can check our
right now—including a recently ex- pulse while walking to ensure that it
panded Breast Care Center. The $5 reaches the low 100s and make sure
million facility, which is adjacent to we break a sweat. Additionally, we
the main hospital, features improved would all do well by reducing our
technology, including three tomosyn- sugar intake. “Again, moderation is
thesis mammography machines, key here,” says Ahmed, who has also
tripling the screening capacity. been teaching young residents at
Additionally, the hospital has Wayne State University for the past
added a new gastrointestinal doctor 20 years.
for colon cancer screening. “For men Ahmed, who shares four children
and women over the age of 50, they with his wife of 30 years, says that
need to get a colon cancer screening the greatest hope for his patients is
done,” Ahmed urges. “And our that when he runs into them some-
colonoscopies are done here as an where outside of the hospital that
outpatient—so, you’re in and out.” they will actually be happy to see
When it comes to health and well- Vice Chief Dr. Karen Weaver, Chief of Medical Staff Dr. Muzammil Ahmed, the new him. He says that, for many people,
ness, there is no time like the pres- Corewell East CEO Dr. Ben Schwartz, Radiology Chief Dr. Erica Luster, and Chief urology is often synonymous with
ent. That’s particularly so because of Pathology Dr. Jawad Arshad. kidney stones and bad memories. “I
the New Year’s resolutions that many think I speak for all doctors when I
set back in January tend to have pe- get on the good foot. says Ahmed, who was chosen by say we love to see people doing well.
tered out by now—and there’s plenty As certified holistic health coun- over 6,000 physicians as one of It justifies all the late nights and
of research to back this up. selor Golda Poretsky puts it, “Health Southeastern Michigan’s “Top Docs” phone calls. It makes it all worth it,”
Learning platform isn’t about being ‘perfect’ with food as reported in the October 2008 he says.
conducted a survey to identify our or exercise or herbs. Health is about issue of Hour Detroit magazine. “Get And the best part about his job?
nation’s top five New Year’s resolu- balancing those things with your de- on a treadmill or a stationary bike at “Oh, that’s easy,” he replies.
tions. And guess what they discov- sires. It’s about nourishing your HYPE. Just 20 minutes a day re- “Helping people every single day.”
ered? Three of the five were health spirit as well as your body.”
related: exercise more, lose weight, Dr. Ahmed says that one of the
and live life to the fullest. The quality most valuable pieces of advice he can
of one’s health is a major factor in all give our community is the impor-
of those goals. Furthermore, Forbes tance of staying active. “People who
magazine revealed that nearly 80% are inactive tend to start to have a
of Americans outright admitted to whole multitude of problems, from
abandoning their New Year’s resolu- heart problems to muscle and joint
tions by February every year. problems, diabetes, etc.”
So, although we claim to want That doesn’t mean that we must
better health, we tend to bury those live at the gym—far from it. Dr.
high hopes in the dumpster a quar- Ahmed goes on to cite several stud-
ter of the way into the new year— ies that have shown that all it really
even though the majority of the year takes is about 20 minutes of walking
still lies ahead. every day to improve circulation and
But all doesn’t have to be lost by bring about long-term benefits. “You
March. There’s still plenty of time to don’t need to be a marathon runner,”
4 · March 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch