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Holiday Night at the Wayne Historical Museum

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            The event is currently sponsored
             If you and your family are looking                                                                   by the Wayne DDA, the Wayne Histor-
          for a night of good holiday fun, an                                                                     ical Society, Hill Crest Bible Church,
          event  is  coming  up  just  for  you.                                                                  the City of Wayne Department of Pub-
          Mark  your  calendars  because                                                                          lic Works (DPW), Kurt’s Caps, and
          Wayne’s annual Holiday Night at the                                                                     both the Wayne Police and Fire De-
          Museum  will  be  Friday,  December                                                                     partment. The Wayne Historical So-
          1st, at the Wayne Historical Society                                                                    ciety is open Wednesday 10 a.m. – 7
          on 1 Towne Square St. The event will                                                                    p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
          start at 5 p.m. and will go until 9                                                                         If you want to learn about events,
          p,m.                                                                                                    fundraisers,  or  more  information
             The evening will kick off with a                                                                     about the museum, you can visit the
          parade at 6 p.m. The Wayne Memo-                                                                        website  at
          rial High School Marching Band and                                                                      toricalsociety. Or call (734)722-0113.
          the  Allstar  Patriots  Dance  &  Gym                                                                      The  December  Gold  Box  Give-
          will  perform  in  the  parade,  and                                                                    away  will  also  be  launched  at  the
          Santa will make his grand entrance                                                                      event.  $50  gift  cards  will  be  given
          at the end.                                                                                             away every Friday in December (De-
             The tree lighting ceremony will be                                                                   cember 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th).
          held  at  6:30  p.m.  outside  the  mu-                                                                 You can enter the drawing daily at:
          seum.  Paul  Russo,  from  Wayne  In-                                                                   Leo’s  Jewelry,  US12  Bar  &  Grill,
          dustries, donated a new Christmas                             Meet Santa at the tree lighting on December 1st.   Moonlit Mystic, Goody’s Pet Supply,
          tree from his property in honor and  characters. An interactive DJ from  definitely  has  grown  with  what  we  or Downtown Wayne Makers Market.
          memory  of  his  late  father,  Jack  The Dance Academy in the Westland  have  brought  to  the  event,”  said  For more information about the
          Russo.                             Mall will be at the event all night.  Kubany.  “The  museum  and  Hill  Gold Box Giveaway, you can contact
             “It will be a symbol of unity and  Several food trucks will also be at  Crest  go  above  and  beyond  every  Lisa  Kubany  at  (734)658-9677  or
          festivity for decades to come,” said  the  event  and  Hill  Crest  Bible  year. There were fireworks last year,  email
          Lisa Kubany, Wayne Downtown De-    Church will provide cookies and hot  so there might be another surprise  Be sure to enter and you could be
          velopment Authority (DDA) Market-  chocolate.                         this year.”                       one of the four lucky winners!
          ing and Events Director. “As it grows  There will be warming areas with
          each year, it will bring together fami-  fire pits, along with four porta pot-
          lies and friends during the holiday  ties available for the public.
          season, creating a beautiful tradition  “Last year was amazing and big-
          that honors the memory of his father  ger  than  we’ve  ever  seen,”  said
          in the most extraordinary way.”    Kubany.  “A  huge  shout  out  to  Hill
             Aside from the tree lighting, the  Crest and the entire congregation for
          night will be filled with activities for  collecting toys to give to every kid.”
          the whole family.                     This is the seventh year in a row
             Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in-  the  Wayne  Historical  Society  has
          side  the  museum  from  6:30-8:30  planned  Holiday  Night.  Hill  Crest
          p.m.  where  they  will  take  photos  Bible  Church  has  helped  with  the
          with the kids and hand out gifts to  event for six of those years and pro-
          every child.                       vides the toys Santa gives to the chil-
             The event will have hayrides, out-  dren.
          door  games,  crafts,  ice  carvings,  “This is my third year doing this,
          choirs  and  carolers,  and  costume  so from my first year to this year, it

          6 · November 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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