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Come celebrate 40 years with LubeMart Associates, Inc.
By Sarah Shurge
If you’re in need of an oil change
or just like to party, be sure to attend
LubeMart Associates, Inc.’s 40th an-
niversary celebration.
The celebration will be on Friday,
August 23rd, and Saturday, August
24th, from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
There will be a free lunch (one
grilled hot dog per person, chips,
and pop/water), promotional items
give-away (while supply last), and
40% off all oil changes (11 a.m.-3
p.m. only)
“Everyone is invited. You don't
have to be a customer, but if you
come for an oil change, you will be a
customer,” said Jo Ann Heyl, Lube-
Mart Associates, Inc. owner/presi-
LubeMart Associates, Inc. opened
August 4th, 1984 after Heyl’s late-
husband built the building.
“It was the first oil change built in
Wayne County for that specific pur-
pose. All the oil changes were some-
thing else first,” said Heyl. Heyl and Jo Ann Heyl, LubeMart Associates, Inc. owner/president checks the oil for a customer.
her husband owned LubeMart to- enjoy the customers,” said Heyl.
gether until he passed away in 1995. “Ninety-nine percent of the time, this
At that time, Heyl was the book- is still fun. I’m going to hold out till
keeper, and had not done anything it's not fun - when it becomes work -
mechanical. when there are more days that I
“I thought a women-owned busi- don't want to be here than when I do,
ness might be beneficial,” said Heyl. then I’ll know it's time.”
“I saw it and thought I could make it Until that day comes, Heyl is
better. So I learned all the stuff.” going to keep LubeMart Associates,
Heyl had attended college for Inc. run by the same family that it
business, and originally thought she has been for the past 40 years.
would be in the corporate world. Heyl wanted to give a shout-out to
“I thought I’d be wearing a suit, Tracey, LubeMart manager, who has
and now I’m wearing black clothes been with the company for 21 years,
because I’m always dirty,” said Heyl. and Jason, LubeMart assistant man-
LubeMart Associates, Inc. offers ager, who has been with the com-
services such as: express oil change, pany for 8 years.
auto maintenance, fluid flushes, oil “Without them, I couldn't do this,”
filters, air conditioning recharge, said Heyl.
and air filters. LubeMart Associates, Inc. is lo-
The most popular service is the cated at 32960 Michigan Ave, and is
full-service oil change. open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Friday
“A lot of our customers have been and 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday.
coming for decades. They are loyal For more information about
customers,” said Heyl. “People send LubeMart Associates, Inc. call at
their family to us because they trust (734)721-6244 or search their Yel-
us. Trust is very important to me. I low Pages ad.
want them to trust that they get what “I’m most looking forward to see-
they pay for. None of our products ing customers that I haven't seen in
are recycled or subpar.” a while, to celebrate being here, and
LubeMart carries brands such as: to show them we really do appreciate
Amsoil, BG Products, Lucas Oil them,” said Heyl. “And have fun.”
Products, Mobil 1, Pennzoil, and Make sure you attend LubeMart
Valvoline. Associates, Inc.’s 40th anniversary
Installing the original sign in 1984. “That's why I'm not retired, I celebration!
The Wayne Dispatch · August 2024 · 3