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Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union celebrated 70 years

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         process,” said Bowman.
             Wayne  Westland  Federal  Credit                                                                        WWFCU is working on increasing
          Union  (WWFCU)  has  been  serving                                                                      its digital footprint with the younger
          the local community since 1954. In                                                                      generation.
          April,  WWFCU  celebrated  its  70th                                                                       “The community and credit union
          anniversary!                                                                                            has changed dramatically in the 70
             The credit union first opened its                                                                    years we've been here. We’re honored
          doors in 1952 in Willow Run, as the                                                                     to remain in the community,” said
          Kaiser-Frazer  Employees  Credit                                                                        Bowman.
          Union for workers at the short-lived                                                                       WWFCU only has one branch but
          automaker.  However  in  1954,  it                                                                      is open to all of Wayne County. If you
          switched  from  being  an  employee                                                                     have  any  connection  or  dealings
          credit  union  to  a  community-char-                                                                   within Wayne County (ex: live, work,
          tered one and changed its name to                                                                       go to church), you can join.
          Wayne  Community  Federal  Credit                                                                          “We’re looking forward to further
          Union. Then in 1974, when Nankin                                                                        successes,”  said  Bowman.  “We’ve
          Township  officially  became  known                                                                     been in the community for 70 years,
          as  the  City  of  Westland,  it  became                                                                and  we’re  nowhere  near  ready  to
          Wayne  Westland  Federal  Credit                                                                        stop.”
          Union.                             CFO Becky Schoonover, COO Tracy Whittaker, CEO Joleen Bowman, and CIO Dave  Wayne  Westland  Federal  Credit
             “Credit unions are not-for-profit,                                                                   Union is located at 500 S Wayne Rd,
          which is a big deal because they sup-  Story celebrate Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union’s 70th birthday in style.   Westland, and is open 9:30 a.m. - 5
          port the little guy more than banks  and $100 million in assets.      them turn it around,” said Bowman.   p.m. Monday - Thursday, 9:30 a.m. -
          can,” said Joleen Bowman, WWFCU      “We’re owned by the people, and    Bowman  has  been  working  for  6 p.m. Friday, and 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
          Chief  Executive  Officer.  “They’re  here for the people. It’s a people help-  WWFCU for 17 years, Chief Execu-  Saturday.
          owned by their members, so every   ing people environment,” said Bow-  tive Officer (CEO) for four years, and  For  more  information  about
          member is an owner and every mem-  man.                               a member since she was six years  Wayne  Westland  Federal  Credit
          ber has a voice.”                     WWFCU’s  vision  is  to  support  old.                            Union,  visit  or  call
             To  celebrate  70  years  in  April,  members  through  financial  educa-  Her mother, Thelma Dasho, was  (734)721-5700.
          WWFCU  gave  away  swag  (t-shirts,  tion while sharing the common goal  WWFCU  CEO  for  33  years  before  You can find them on Facebook
          mugs, glasses, etc.), and has contin-  of  improving  their  financial  well-  Bowman took over.        and Instagram by searching “Wayne
          ued celebrating every month since.    being.                            “I  grew  up  at  the  credit  union,”  Westland Federal Credit Union.”
             WWFCU  has  been  doing  some-    “Credit unions are there for the  said Bowman. “It was just meant to  Congratulations  to  Wayne  West-
          thing different every month, alternat-  people  one  hundred  percent.  Our  be.”                       land  Federal  Credit  Union  on  70
          ing each month between something   mission and vision never varies for  Bowman’s cousin, Melanie Grif-  years!
          for  the  staff  and  for  the  members.  that,” said Bowman. “Credit unions  fom, also works there as well.
          One month, the staff was taken exter-  accept people in all stages of life.”    “I love my staff and to see them
          nally to The Legendary Axe, another   WWFCU  is  a  low-income  desig-  succeed and grow and learn. I have
          month was member exclusive certifi-  nated credit union. WWFCU’s earn-  wonderful and talented staff on my
          cate rates, while another month was  ings go back to the member owners  team,” said Bowman.
          a food truck rally.                in the form of lower loan rates and  Bowman also cares for the suc-
             “We want to give back to our mem-  fewer fees.                     cess of the members.
          bers in many different ways,” said   “Most successfully, we help mem-   I  love  hearing  and  seeing  mem-
          Bowman.                            bers  in  the  community  establish  bers' success stories. A lot of mem-
             WWFCU has grown from just 109   credit. We offer a financial hardship  bers come to us to establish credit to
          members and assets of $94,840, to  program which provides necessary   purchase their first house and we get  Member  service  specialists  Maria
          now  more  than  11,000  members   resources  to  guide  them  and  help  to see them all the way through that  Pacitto, and Tracy Samland.

                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · November 2024 · 5
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