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Local business owner recognized

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                     bring support to the Westland Area  10 years with the Detroit-based firm
             Her focus is on investing in peo-                                  Cruise  which  ends  in  Wayne,  and  of Miller Canfield.
          ple to build her business and com-                                    many local school programs.          Joni is a hands-on CEO. She says
          munity.                                                                 Joni introduces the McDonald’s  if  she  goes  into  one  of  her  restau-
             Joni Thrower Davis grew up with                                    Archways to Opportunity program to  rants and sees they are short staffed
          McDonald’s in her blood. Her par-                                     everyone she talks with. The Arch-  or overrun, she will step right in. Her
          ents, James and Marla, have been                                      ways program helps employees learn  goal is to get the customers served
          having adventures in McDonaldland                                     English-language  skills,  get  a  high  and on their way. She is also very
          for over 30 years, owning a number                                    school diploma and move on to an  proud of the option for families to
          of McDonald’s restaurants through-  and  what  your  employees  do  on  a  associates or bachelor’s degree by of-  lean  on  her  McDonald’s  as  a  safe,
          out Metro Detroit. Joni grew up at-  daily  basis.  Like  many  small  busi-  fering  eligible  employees,  after  90  fun place to go with their children.
          tending Detroit Public Schools and  ness owners in today’s healthy econ-  days of work, tuition assistance of  When asked how she felt about her
          after school she would do her home-  omy,  Joni’s  biggest  challenge  is  up to $2,500 to a two or four-year  “40 Under Forty” recognition, Joni
          work in the lobby of one of her par-  finding and hiring skilled employees.  university,  college  or  trade  school.  said  “I’m  proud,  I’ve  worked  hard
          ents’   McDonald’s    restaurants. “People are our greatest asset,” said  “McDonald’s offers tremendous op-  over  the  years  and  I’m  very  hum-
          Recently, Joni, a second-generation  Thrower, “But with the current low  portunities  to  meet  an  individual  bled.”
          McDonald’s  owner/operator  who    unemployment,  we  need  to  work  where they are and help them grow,”  In closing our interview, Joni re-
          now  owns  four  of  her  own  restau-  twice  as  hard  and  invest  tremen-  says Thrower. To explore an oppor-  iterated  that  she  has  high  expecta-
          rants, was recognized as one of De-  dously in growing our own talent.”  tunity at McDonald’s text “APPLY” to  tions  for  her  employees  and  the
          troit’s  “40  Under  Forty”  to  watch,  Thrower’s strategy is to partner with  36453  to  apply  for  a  job  directly  Wayne community. She’s willing to
          from  Crain’s  Detroit  Business,  a  a number of local resources includ-  from your phone.             work alongside the schools, the city,
          weekly  business  newspaper  that  ing school districts, local community  Prior to becoming a McDonald’s  and with job training organizations
          serves business influencers and de-  colleges, the Urban League and oth-  owner/operator, Joni earned her un-  to develop more people in the area.
          cision makers.                     ers to recruit talent and ultimately  dergraduate degree from the Univer-  She believes that people who are will-
             As a business owner, Joni says  work  toward  offering  customers  a  sity of Michigan and her law degree  ing to work and contribute back are
          you  have  to  touch  every  position  gold standard of service. She’s also  from  Emory  University  in  Atlanta,  the greatest resource in any commu-
          yourself to understand the process  investing  in  community  events  to  Georgia. She then practiced law for  nity.

          8 · March 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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