Page 9 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Distinguished Young Woman to be named March 8

             The Distinguished Young Women                                                                        Lenard, Kyiana Parrom, Ciara Ray-
          of Wayne-Westland Scholarship Pro-                                                                      mond and Andrea Santiago-Lagunas.
          gram will be holding the 52nd An-                                                                       Tickets  to  the  event  can  be  pur-
          nual Scholarship Program on Friday,                                                                     chased from any participant or on
          March  8,  at  Wayne  Memorial  High                                                                    the night of the show for $10.00. All
          School in Wayne at 7:00 p.m. Eight                                                                      proceeds  go  toward  scholarship
          contestants  from  Wayne,  Westland                                                                     awards. Come out to cheer on our
          and  Inkster  will  compete  for  thou-                                                                 contestants.
          sands of dollars in college scholar-                                                                       The  Wayne-Westland  Local  Pro-
          ships  and  the  chance  to  represent                                                                  gram  is  part  of  the  Distinguished
          their  communities  at  local  events                                                                   Young Women of America, which has
          and  at  the  state  finals  in  Canton,                                                                impacted  the  lives  of  more  than
          Michigan in July 2019.                                                                                  765,000 young women since it first
             This  scholarship  program  is                                                                       began in 1958.
          based on academic scholastics, lead-                                                                       The mission is to empower high
          ership, physical fitness and talent. At                                                                 school  young  women  by  providing
          the local program on March 8, con-                                                                      scholarship opportunities, develop-
          testants  will  perform  an  opening                                                                    ing self-confidence and teaching cru-
          number and compete in a perform-   Distinguished Young Women of Wayne-Westland Class of 2020. Front row (left to  cial life skills needed for success in
          ing arts talent routine, a physical fit- right) Brooklyn Climer (Wayne), Ciara Raymond (Wayne), Andrea Santiago-Lagunas  college and beyond. National spon-
          ness  routine  and  self-expression. (Westland) and Susan Lenard (Westland). Back row (left to right) Shauna Jackson  sors include Mobile County, City of
          Contestants are also evaluated based  (Wayne), Ebere Bernard (Westland), Jenna Engberts (Westland) and Kyiana Parrom  Mobile, Alabama Power Foundation,
          on academic scholastics and inter-                                                                      Encore  Rehabilitation,  Wintzell's
          view. “This is an amazing group of  (Westland). Photo by Marvin Soleau                                  Oyster House, Master Boat Builders,
          smart  and  talented  young  women,  vite the public to come and support  Director.                     Barbara  Barrington  Jones  Family
          and  we  are  excited  to  have  them  these  accomplished  young  women”  Competing  this  year  is  Ebere  Foundation, Evonik, Regions Finan-
          showcase their talents at our 52nd  said  Lauren  Reed,  Distinguished  Bernard,  Brooklyn  Climer,  Jenna  cial  Corporation,  Jostens  and  Ala-
          annual scholarship program. We in-  Young Women of Wayne-Westland Co-  Engberts,  Shauna  Jackson,  Susan  bama Media Group.

          BRIEFS, Continued from page 4      bring  your  camera,  but  there  will  Farm,  a  working  and  educational  up to the present.
                                             also  be  a  photographer  on  site  to  farm. The cost for the trip on Friday,
          out  a  new  game  or  challenge  your  take  a  FREE  professional  picture  March 8, is $76. For more informa- We love a clean Wayne!
          family members to a classic! There  which will be emailed to you.     tion, contact Nancy at the Wayne Sen-  Join Wayne Main Street on Satur-
          will  be  a  wide  variety  of  board  REMAX Cornerstone will be ac-  ior Services office (734) 721-7460.  day, April 20, from 9:00 a.m.-Noon
          games—favorites  like  Monopoly,   cepting donations for The Children’s                                 and  participate  in  Wayne's  Down-
          Connect 4, Parcheesi, and Clue—as  Miracle Network. All donations stay  Learn architectural styles      town Clean Up Day. Wayne is amaz-
          well as some new games you might   local  to  provide  scholarships  for  Tyler Moll of The Wayne Histori-  ing, and this project is an effort to
          not have experienced yet! Drop in for  kids to attend the RE/MAX commu-  cal Society will present the program  keep the city beautiful. This year, the
          a few minutes or stay for hours. All  nication  preschool  at  Beaumont  “American  Architectural  Styles”  at  Spring Clean Up will take place on
          ages are welcome!                  Royal Oak.                         the  Wayne  Historical  Museum,  1  Earth Day weekend! Volunteers are
                                                                                Towne Square, on Thursday, March  needed! You can make a difference
          Peter Cottontail workshop          Lost car companies                 14, at 7:00 p.m. Tyler will talk about  by  volunteering  to  help  clean  up
             Bring your kids to this new and  of Detroit                        architectural styles from the 1500s  Wayne.
          fun  free  event  at  the  Knights  of  The Wayne Public Library, 3737
          Columbus  Notre  Dame  Lounge,     S. Wayne Rd,, will be hosting the pro-
          3144  S.  Wayne  Rd.  on  Saturday,  gram  “Lost  Car  Companies  of  De-
          April 13, from 10:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.  troit” on Tuesday, April 16, at 7:00
          There will be free kids crafts open to  p.m. Among the more than two hun-
          kids of all ages. You will be able to  dred auto companies that tried their
          purchase a hot dog or taco with a  luck in the Motor City, just three re-
          pop for $3. Come see what this new  main:  Ford,  General  Motors,  and
          event is all about!                Chrysler. Many of those lost to his-
                                             tory still  have colorful stories worth
          Free easter bunny pictures         telling.
             Come get your picture taken with
          the Easter Bunny for FREE on Sat- Made in Michigan trip
          urday, April 13, at REMAX Corner-     Enjoy a fun and informative tour
          stone, 8311 N. Wayne Rd, Westland  at the Jiffy Factory in Chelsea and
          from  Noon-3:00  p.m.  Feel  free  to  then visit Shawhaven Maple Syrup
                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · March 2019 · 9
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