Page 15 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Birthday, Continued from page 13 decline started. “It ruined Wayne!”
Virgie tells a story about her early
more dedicated than her born- demise. One day, UHT Funeral Home
Catholic husband. She’s been a had the name “Virgie Mack” on their
member of St. Mary’s for over 70 outside board announcing services
years. Until recently, she taught cate- for the deceased. Friends saw it and
chism there for 40 years. She tried thought she had died. Turns out
to leave teaching several times be- there was another Virgie Mack in
fore, but there was never a teacher to this small world.
take over. When they were able to get Virgie recently attended the All-
two teachers not long ago, she was City reunion for the high school. She
out of there! She still helps out when says there were about 7-8 of her
she can at the church. classmates there.
Laura, her daughter-in-law, says This energetic woman, who
“She’s very spunky. She’s willing to laughs and smiles often, still gets out
try anything.” Virgie pipes up “I’ll try in the community. She meets with
anything!” She has a kindle, an iPad, her union friends once a month and
a computer and is learning Alexa meets with a group of people she
(Amazon’s virtual assistant). She’s worked with every Wednesday to
not a big traveler, but she has been have fun. She has collected Hum-
to Canada (Milton was from Canada) mels and Precious Moments. She
and last year, she travelled with Milt has some figurines that she made. “I
Jr. and Laura to Italy. go from one collection to another,”
“We didn’t think iPhones. We were she says. She still knits, crochets
just lucky if we had a dollar to buy a and sews.
loaf of bread, a bottle of milk,” said About 90 people who love Virgie
Virgie when asked about her youth. came together to celebrate her 90th
Reflecting back on her life in birthday at a party held at Wayne
Wayne, Virgie recalls urban renewal Irene “Virgie” Mack with her son Milt and Lara Mack. Tree Manor. All five of her grandchil-
and the devastation it caused in split of Michigan Avenue. She recalls area. She remembers Lazar’s, (“they dren were there. Seventeen of her 19
Wayne. “It was the worst thing to do the parking structure by the library had everything!”) the dimestore, the great-grandchildren were able to at-
to Wayne,” she said referring to the was built to bring businesses to the old library. When the road split, the tend. Virgie had a great time!
The Wayne Dispatch · June 2019 · 15