Page 11 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 11

Officer Chad Colwell Wayne’s police officer of the year

          By Carolyn Marnon
             Wayne  Police  Officer  Chad  Col-
          well  was  recently  named  Wayne’s
          2018 Police Officer of the Year. Offi-
          cer Colwell was hired as police offi-
          cer by the City of Wayne in December,
             As a member of the Road Patrol,
          Officer  Colwell  consistently  works
          hard without complaint. Highly mo-
          tivated, he is well-respected inside
          and outside the department. He is
          looked up to by his peers and super-
          visors and is well-known in the de-
          partment for his vast knowledge of
          criminal  laws  and  relevant  court
          cases.                             Wayne’s 2018 Police Officer of the Year Chad Colwell (holding plaque) next to Police Chief Ryan Strong with some of Wayne
             Officer Colwell has taken a strong
          interest in training his fellow officers  finest officers.
          by becoming an emergency vehicle   armed suspect on foot and safely ap-  serving  of  the  title  and  honor  of  learning from the more senior offi-
          operations instructor and field train-  prehended him. The suspect was ar-  Wayne Police Department Police Offi-  cers” is what helped him get to this
          ing officer.                       rested; the gun used in the robbery  cer of the Year.”               point  in  his  career.  “I  feel  appreci-
             Officer  Colwell  was  recognized  was recovered.                    Officer Colwell has also received  ated.”
          for his quick thinking and bravery    Officer  Colwell  received  resolu-  a  Meritorious  Service  Award,  the
          while responding to an armed rob-  tions  from  the  City  Council  and  highest award in the Wayne police de-  Officers receive awards
          bery at a local drugstore. It had been  Wayne  County  Commissioner  Al  partment for the same incident men-  At the June 4 City Council meet-
          determined that the suspect had fled  Haidous.  Police  Chief  Ryan  Strong  tioned above. He says he feels great
          on foot; Officer Colwell pursued the  stated, “Officer Colwell is truly de-  about  the  awards.  “Training  and      See Police, page 14

                                                                                                                  The Wayne Dispatch · June 2019 · 11
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